G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 America's Moving Toward Communism - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 17

Published on:

17th Aug 2023

America's Moving Toward Communism

The Constitution Commandos

[00:00] The Pledge of Allegiance


Good morning, fellow patriots!

Welcome to17 of 2. Today we strike up a conversation about America's Moving Toward Communism.

Don't forget to sign up for our weekly emails to get notifications when I publish new episodes.

My name is Chris Williams and I am your host. My brother Patrick Williams is the cohost and we are The Constitution Commandos .

US Congress

  • Approximately 93 members are members of the communist party
  • This is an act of treason

Dumbing Down the Nation

  • Less education - More indoctrination
  • Dad quit teaching - restrained from education

Election Fraud in 2019

  • Early hours of Nov 5th, 2019, the election results dramatically changed
  • Dictators rule by executive order - Joe Biden - Mountain Democrat

Trump for President

  • 2020 election fraud
  • Trump's numbers increase with every indictment
  • DOJ/FBI weaponisation against political opponent
  • Favoritism shown to the Bidens

Every Vote DOES Count

Is Joe Biden Really Joe Biden?

  • Joe Biden gives two speeches in two different states simultaneously
  • Senator Biden and VP Biden don't look anything like Resident Biden

O'Biden's Cabinet Impeachable

  • Biden's cabinet is Obamas cabinet
  • Merritt Garland hindered and haulted investigations
  • Whistleblowers targeted by the DOJ
  • IRS whistelblowers testified that Garland deferred investigations
  • Garland lied to Congress regarding investigations into the Biden family

COVID-19 Scambemic Government Induced Fear

  • Mask mandates - (COVID contracted from wearing the mask)
  • Social Distancing
  • Vaccine mandates - (Vaccines don't fit the criteria of vaccines)
  • Homeless devoid of COVID

Chris Williams:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

Chris Williams:

Good morning fellow Americans.

Chris Williams:

It's awesome to have one more day to breathe the fresh air,

Chris Williams:

So, Welcome to episode 17.

Chris Williams:

Today we're talking about America's move into communism.

Chris Williams:

We encourage you to share your thoughts on this issue, and you can do so via email

Chris Williams:

I'm your host, Chris Williams, my brother Patrick Williams's co-host,

Chris Williams:

Once our liberties have been taken completely, There's no coming back.

Chris Williams:

We don't.

Chris Williams:

They're just gone.

Chris Williams:

And it'll be then that everybody will be able to say, man, we had

Chris Williams:

They may not say it now, but when they lose everything, there'll

Chris Williams:

And quite frankly, that's just gonna be too late.

Chris Williams:

And everybody that fell for this garbage that's being pumped into us

Chris Williams:

It's, amazing to me.

Chris Williams:

I mean, people don't know this, but as of a latest report I heard, there

Patrick Williams:

spells treason, yes, it does.

Chris Williams:

And why why people don't know this or aren't willing to do

Chris Williams:

I don't know.

Chris Williams:

To me, that just means that they are getting more comfortable about this

Chris Williams:

I really didn't think it would happen in 247 years, to be honest, but I

Chris Williams:

You know, we missed out on a lot of education because of it, but not

Chris Williams:

Oh yeah.

Chris Williams:

And you know, when I started learning some of the stuff that I was learning

Chris Williams:

but not at the educational system so much as I was upset with myself and

Chris Williams:

If you can't, you haven't done your homework.

Chris Williams:

There was a whole lot of me not listening, and now I realize that I accept it for

Chris Williams:

You know, for years I didn't understand why dad quit teaching, but he quit

Patrick Williams:

They weren't allowing teachers to teach,

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

It had to be that substandard standard and he, he couldn't teach that way.

Chris Williams:

And I can say from being in a few of dad's classrooms before I ever started

Patrick Williams:

in case.

Patrick Williams:

Oh, where you went, but it got worse.

Patrick Williams:

So fortunately for them lower level, I don't, I can't

Chris Williams:

I missed most of what you said, but I got

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

At first, I had to, my room number was in there.

Patrick Williams:

I said, I need to go on and get that room number out of the picture

Patrick Williams:

they come looking for me.

Patrick Williams:

I said, but the one thing that would be fortunate for them is

Patrick Williams:

And if I did throw 'em off the balcony, it would kind of suck for them because

Chris Williams:

Well, so goes it.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

Well, What we're gonna see happen these midterm are the not

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I mean they say they are, but being an independent

Patrick Williams:

So, I,

Chris Williams:

well, Hmm.

Chris Williams:

Donald Trump said it best, and I think all we need is one more

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, I think it's over anyway, numbers

Chris Williams:

like this, I mean,

Patrick Williams:

I, I think it's over anyway.

Patrick Williams:

It was over last time.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, the only way that, I mean, come on man.

Patrick Williams:

You're telling me that, oh, they're saying Trump got what, 70 something million

Patrick Williams:

Well, no, they're saying that Biden won 81 million, right?

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Biden started claiming the 81 million after he took office.

Chris Williams:

President Trump had the 81 million and you know, they suspect

Patrick Williams:

You know, but they're Okay.

Patrick Williams:

So what they're saying is there was over 160, 170 million

Patrick Williams:

Come on Now, do the math that don't add up.

Patrick Williams:

No, it doesn't add up, but it don't add up at all.

Chris Williams:

Even let's just say on the general side,

Patrick Williams:

1 31, see one 30, I

Chris Williams:

mean, that's a C1.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Yeah, C1 30.

Chris Williams:

But well, either way.

Chris Williams:

You know, people can call me whatever they want, election denier or whatever, but

Chris Williams:

By the time I did go to bed, I was like, that's cool.

Chris Williams:

We got it.

Chris Williams:

Trump won.

Chris Williams:

I woke up, what, six hours later to Joe Biden is the

Chris Williams:

I was like, what?

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

You know, that's not even possible.

Chris Williams:

Not with what I was looking at and you know, but Joe Biden's

Chris Williams:

I'm like, man, you didn't get that many votes.

Chris Williams:

There's no way.

Chris Williams:

No, there's no way possible.

Chris Williams:

I think it was Joe Biden during the campaign who said, only a dictator

Chris Williams:

How many is he filed so far?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

A lot.

Patrick Williams:

And how many times has he told the Supreme Court to pound

Patrick Williams:

Oh yeah.

Patrick Williams:

Oh yeah.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it's like, man,

Chris Williams:

and I'm gonna tell you what it, it literally burns my ass

Chris Williams:

For what?

Chris Williams:

What judge?

Chris Williams:

Tax evasion and, well,

Patrick Williams:

except the judge told him that that wasn't gonna fly.

Patrick Williams:

It ain't happening.

Chris Williams:

Well, yeah, look, if it had been either one of us,

Chris Williams:

Forget about it.

Chris Williams:

They would make an extra room for us in federal prison.

Chris Williams:

Oh yeah.

Chris Williams:

What happened with this?

Chris Williams:

I mean, if we don't see some kind of what do you call the term favoritism

Chris Williams:

It doesn't, it, it doesn't add up.

Chris Williams:

None of it adds up.

Patrick Williams:

I think it's, it's the first time my face has ever

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Now people can identify you.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

Well, yeah, I think the political climate has gone very cold.

Chris Williams:

It's kind of crazy, kind of, not kind of whole lot crazy.

Chris Williams:

But you know, back to this Jack Smith thing, I think.

Chris Williams:

If anybody was really paying attention, even those who want to deny that

Chris Williams:

Just Jack Smith's history and the judge.

Chris Williams:

I mean these are like huge contributors to the Democrats.

Chris Williams:

I mean, it seems to me like by all, by all rights, and I'm talking about

Chris Williams:

Well, you would think, but that's the law you would think.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

We see how in this regime, the law doesn't matter, only matters

Chris Williams:

Well, I think this Constitutional Republic needs to wake

Chris Williams:

Like I told you the other day, I don't think anybody's just up looking for 'em.

Chris Williams:

I mean, you don't really have to look.

Chris Williams:

I mean, they're pretty easy to come across.

Chris Williams:

I'm just making it easier.

Chris Williams:

Everybody that registers for, to get on our email list, they're getting a copy

Chris Williams:

There are so many things in the Constitution that I have seen

Chris Williams:

Any law that is any law they try to pass.

Chris Williams:

That goes against the Constitution.

Chris Williams:

It's null and void.

Chris Williams:

There's no need to vote on it.

Chris Williams:

It doesn't exist.

Chris Williams:

I mean, and yet somehow or another, we managed to enforce those very laws,

Patrick Williams:

Well, if people would just quit complying.

Chris Williams:

Well, I don't think there's a problem with compliance.

Chris Williams:

Everybody's compliant.

Patrick Williams:

That's what I'm saying.

Patrick Williams:

If people would've stopped complying,

Chris Williams:

stop complying with what?

Chris Williams:

The bullshit crap crap that's going on.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Well, you know, there's a ma major Marjorie Taylor Greens that are still

Chris Williams:

I, I just don't know.

Chris Williams:

Elon Mo, what's her name?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I mean, how, I mean, this is a constitutional republic.

Chris Williams:

How did she even get in Congress?

Chris Williams:

I mean, you see what I'm saying?

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

People vote because they have the power.

Chris Williams:

But I think that's just a testimony that the people have given up the power.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

But I, I don't I don't have much faith in the people voting right now.

Patrick Williams:

Well, I mean, I shouldn't say that.

Patrick Williams:

People are probably voting more.

Patrick Williams:

Conservative than what the results are showing.

Patrick Williams:

I think there's just been enough hocus pocus with the

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I think that people are, their votes are being subverted.

Patrick Williams:

That's what I believe.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, I'm not trying to discourage anyone from voting.

Patrick Williams:

We should vote, but at the same time, I think that there's

Patrick Williams:

I think the more you vote and the more people that vote, I think it

Patrick Williams:

Well, I

Chris Williams:

think too that the general public who, you know, I mean

Chris Williams:

I think we really need to be paying attention to what's going

Chris Williams:

Yeah, I think we need to be more proactive about it.

Chris Williams:

And look, these, these machines that have been used, it's already been

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

So shouldn't we be a little bit concerned about this?

Chris Williams:

Just a little.

Patrick Williams:

People think China's good.

Chris Williams:

All because Joe Biden said it.

Patrick Williams:

A lot of people believe what Joe Biden

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Joe Biden doesn't even know what he said, but people believe it.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I'm not convinced yet that that's actually Joe Biden.

Chris Williams:

I still think Joe Biden died in his

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I don't, I see too many differences in his facial features to say it's Joe Biden.

Patrick Williams:

You can get Senator Joe Biden, vice President Joe Biden, and then look

Patrick Williams:

No, no.

Patrick Williams:

I mean the jawline, the ear lobes, I mean the eyes, the mouth.

Patrick Williams:

His smile.

Patrick Williams:

People's faces get older, but they don't change on certain things.

Patrick Williams:

His eyes totally different.

Patrick Williams:

Even color.

Patrick Williams:

I mean there's, yeah, well,

Chris Williams:

well, you know, it hit me when I was working on the stove last

Chris Williams:

I just left the channel where it was, but Joe Biden was giving a speech,

Chris Williams:

What caught my attention is that he wasn't stuttering.

Chris Williams:

He wasn't stammering over his words, he wasn't reading a teleprompter

Chris Williams:

And you know, when Keith came over that night, Stella's ex-boyfriend, when

Chris Williams:

I said, that was in Pennsylvania.

Chris Williams:

And he said, no, it's in Georgia.

Chris Williams:

We both pulled up the same news reports we both had been watching, right?

Chris Williams:

Pennsylvania was what was showing up on mine.

Chris Williams:

It showed up in Georgia, but it was at the same time.

Chris Williams:

On the same day.

Chris Williams:

Now how is he in two different places on the same day?

Patrick Williams:

That's Joe Biden man.

Patrick Williams:

He got all kind of shit he can do.

Patrick Williams:

Just watch me.

Chris Williams:

Just watch.

Chris Williams:

Hunter helped him find the right stuff, right?

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

But how he gave his speech in Pennsylvania and in Georgia.

Chris Williams:

Now the one in Georgia, he couldn't keep up with the teleprompter.

Chris Williams:

The one in Pennsylvania is like a 20 year old sharp mind, but same day, same

Chris Williams:

That's incredible.

Chris Williams:

Joe Biden's got it, don't he?

Chris Williams:

Oh yeah, he

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Got it going on, man.

Chris Williams:

Oh, he made it a point to mention that it wasn't long ago

Chris Williams:

that, I guess a closet in his garage or something that wasn't locked, you

Chris Williams:

He said, and by the way, my Corvette stays in a locked garage.

Chris Williams:

Like just stop while you're, where they come up with some of this stuff.

Chris Williams:

I'll never know.

Chris Williams:

Joe Biden's a man, right?

Chris Williams:

Was giving away crack pipes for free last year.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I was thinking he better stop doing that.

Chris Williams:

'cause hunter's gonna run out eventually.

Patrick Williams:

Well, I, man, I, , I don't know, man, that that's

Patrick Williams:

That's, and if anybody hadn't, ever noticed that, it is an Obama

Patrick Williams:

Or in Obama's, I mean in Biden's.

Patrick Williams:

Oh, Biden's Cabinet.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And I don't know why people don't notice that, but hell, they don't even know who

Patrick Williams:

Some I know they don't know.

Patrick Williams:

The Secretary of State or Attorney General, or Director of

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

And I keep hearing talks about Merrick Garland is

Chris Williams:

But you know, I mean, and, and I say this based on my opinion, but I think

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

well, I mean the re the reason I think they ought

Patrick Williams:

You know, he can squash f b I stuff.

Patrick Williams:

He's sickin the i r s on people.

Patrick Williams:

He's, gotta get him out of the way.

Patrick Williams:

He's covering up and slow rolling investigations through Congress.

Patrick Williams:

He's, he, he's absolutely.

Patrick Williams:

And denying culpability.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

See, he, he's.

Patrick Williams:

He's already lied to Congress a number of times.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, you got, what's his name?

Patrick Williams:

I mean, no, he's

Chris Williams:

lied to Congress from the time he's been.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Garland said, oh, well I have interfered with such and such, and they have the full

Patrick Williams:

I haven't interfered at all knowing it's a lie because, no, it's a lie of people.

Patrick Williams:

The people that were invest.

Patrick Williams:

Well, the people that blew the whistle that were looking in and

Patrick Williams:

I mean, did interfere.

Chris Williams:

Some were told that they would lose their jobs, that they proceed.

Chris Williams:

Yeah, and some did.

Chris Williams:

I just, I don't know man.

Chris Williams:

It's Now there there's something else to think about in that regard

Chris Williams:

And there was, what, three F b I agents now that have gone before was Senate, I

Chris Williams:

You know, for these people to stand up as whistleblowers, especially

Chris Williams:

I have never seen so many whistleblowers come forward.

Chris Williams:

The I r s whistleblowers are the ones that are really convincing to

Patrick Williams:

Oh yeah.

Patrick Williams:

Well, they're the ones that said Merrick Garland specifically.

Chris Williams:

I told them to stay away from the investigation.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And, and prevent it or shackled them down from, you know, going

Patrick Williams:

They, they, right.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, Merrick Garland is directly, I mean a hundred percent.

Patrick Williams:

He has obstructed that investigation and he lied to Congress about it every

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Even when they ask them, well, bring us the paperwork, this, that,

Chris Williams:

And then when they get it, it's totally redacted.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

To me, again, that's an act of treason.

Chris Williams:

I wonder if the Democrats actually know how much could be gotten done.

Chris Williams:

They just quit creating.

Patrick Williams:

Well, they do know.

Patrick Williams:

That's just it.

Patrick Williams:

They do know.

Patrick Williams:

I know it.

Patrick Williams:

That's why they're up there is to create more problems and then create a solution.

Patrick Williams:

Or sell you the solution.

Patrick Williams:

They can't have, they have to have

Chris Williams:

campaign and sell the solution, but they

Chris Williams:

That's, that's the issue.

Patrick Williams:

Well, yeah, but they, if they don't create a problem, they have

Patrick Williams:

That's, that's why they're so embedded.

Patrick Williams:

And so, I mean, blacks are the largest constituency and that's the only time they

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

and that's apparently according to recent statistics,

Patrick Williams:

No, not now, but they're, I'm sure they're

Patrick Williams:

That's why they keep pushing white supremacy, and that's why they

Chris Williams:

So when are the white supremacists gonna be white?

Patrick Williams:

I don't know.

Patrick Williams:

I'm waiting for the white supremacists just to show up.

Patrick Williams:

I don't even know where they are.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, I'm, I'm sorry, but I mean, it's about like talking about.

Patrick Williams:

Like dragons or something.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, they, where are they?

Patrick Williams:

I mean, okay, I hear Bigfoot all the time, but.

Patrick Williams:

Man, come on.

Patrick Williams:

This is 2000 fucking 23.

Patrick Williams:

Everybody's quality.

Patrick Williams:

Jim put a, huh?

Patrick Williams:

Everybody's got a quality phone and they got a camera, even if it ain't

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it's like, man, a scarecrow.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it's there.

Patrick Williams:

Everybody's got high tech equipment in their pocket, but nobody can get a damn

Patrick Williams:

I mean, really.

Patrick Williams:

I don't

Chris Williams:

know, man.

Chris Williams:

You know, it's kinda

Patrick Williams:

like the Blair Witch project.

Patrick Williams:

I, I didn't even waste my time to look at that.

Patrick Williams:

Walk around with a home video camera.

Patrick Williams:

It doesn't ever stand steel.

Patrick Williams:

It's shaky and grainy, black and white, and it makes me want throw

Chris Williams:

gets, that's way I was, I mean, I.

Chris Williams:

I don't get motion sickness, but that drove me into the bathroom.

Chris Williams:

It's like,

Patrick Williams:

how do people even find that to be good?

Chris Williams:

I mean, there was no plot, there was nothing.

Chris Williams:

It just a moving camera.

Patrick Williams:

They found some sticks laid out in a weird formation.

Patrick Williams:

It's, it's like, man, y'all, when one guy was running through the woods with

Patrick Williams:

It's like, man, y'all, I mean, it's horrible, man.

Patrick Williams:

Look what we found.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, what the fuck is that?

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

mean, I don't even know.

Chris Williams:

It's scary.

Chris Williams:

It's scary.

Patrick Williams:

I, I, I

Chris Williams:

don't know man.

Chris Williams:

Who, who is Blair anyway, this witch, they keep talking about.

Patrick Williams:

I don't freaking, I, I literally watched like.

Patrick Williams:

Probably 2.1 seconds, I mean minutes of the movie.

Patrick Williams:

And I was like, okay.

Patrick Williams:

And I don't get into that supernatural shit anyway.

Patrick Williams:

I just, it, don't do nothing for me, man.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it's just stupid.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, I know there's a lot of people that enjoy that

Patrick Williams:

You can enjoy it all you want.

Patrick Williams:

Everybody loves ghost stories, but that kind of crap right there, man.

Patrick Williams:

That's just, you know what they did.

Patrick Williams:

I also

Chris Williams:

couldn't believe that made it to the box office

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

It was terrible.

Patrick Williams:

You know those guys were laughing their ass off.

Patrick Williams:

Look how many idiots gave us money to for this.

Patrick Williams:

You know what I mean?

Patrick Williams:

Hey look, they're like, that's exactly the way Bill

Chris Williams:

Gates was when Y two K came around.

Chris Williams:

People, I mean, look, I had the great fortune of working at Office

Chris Williams:

And I'm like, why are you spending your money on this $45 program?

Chris Williams:

Because Microsoft said we want Y2K complaint.

Chris Williams:

Does your computer have a calculator on it?

Chris Williams:

How many digits does it carry out?

Chris Williams:

You know?

Chris Williams:

Yeah, but I, I mean, I know Bill Gates was laughing his ass off.

Chris Williams:

Look at all the money he raked in on that.

Patrick Williams:

Oh, I know, man.

Patrick Williams:

It's go got, that's what's the same thing the government does, man.

Patrick Williams:

Create fear.

Patrick Williams:

That's how you control people.

Patrick Williams:

You scare the shit out of them, and they'll do whatever you ask them to do.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

or you'll actually beg them to do what you're not

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, well there's this crazy pandemic going around that

Patrick Williams:

You need this fire, I mean this vaccine.

Patrick Williams:

Oh man, you got lines around the fucking block trying to get the damn vaccine

Chris Williams:

and don't get the vaccine.

Chris Williams:

The water levels are gonna rise 0.025 inches over the next five years.

Patrick Williams:

No, I think, I don't think it was the water

Patrick Williams:

I think something about, I think it was something about be

Patrick Williams:

Get your vaccine.

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, I think they did something stupid like that.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I mean, come, come on, man.

Patrick Williams:

All the

Chris Williams:

way to deal with this hurricane was to get vaccinated

Patrick Williams:

and then, and then look around.

Patrick Williams:

Look around.

Patrick Williams:

And I still see people wearing masks and I'm like, does that thing, do you,

Patrick Williams:

I mean, absolutely.

Patrick Williams:

I wanna ask them.

Chris Williams:

Well, I don't even ask 'em.

Chris Williams:

I just see 'em walk by and I holler at 'em.

Chris Williams:

You useful, idiot.

Chris Williams:

Useful idiot.

Patrick Williams:

I've got absolutely no problem about, I mean, if you wanna

Patrick Williams:

Hey, look,

Chris Williams:

if you're doing it as a fashion statement, great, but

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

It's something is wrong in your head if you believe that it's working.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it's, it ain't working.

Patrick Williams:

But they're,

Chris Williams:

I don't get, you know, every time I go to the va,

Chris Williams:

And I'm like, following the science, are we.

Chris Williams:

Still pushing the base panties.

Chris Williams:

This is what we have to do.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I even asked the doctors, why are we doing this?

Chris Williams:

I thought you were a scientist.

Chris Williams:

Follow the science.

Chris Williams:

And they're like, well, we do this for everyone's, okay, follow the science.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Don't you find me one study that says it works.

Patrick Williams:

I'll find you 10 studies that says it's bullshit, so you don't have to look.

Patrick Williams:

I'll take one.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, you show me your one study, I'll raise you 10.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I mean, I got no problem, man.

Patrick Williams:

And then I'll call you.

Patrick Williams:

I'll call, that's it.

Patrick Williams:

I'll call your bluff, buddy.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, hey, look,

Chris Williams:

how many of those tests have actually said that

Patrick Williams:

and got vaccinated?

Patrick Williams:

Oh man.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And then you see about all the covid deaths and most of the Covid deaths are.

Chris Williams:

People who got the vaccination.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I wonder.

Patrick Williams:

I didn't get the vaccine and I didn't the, I didn't get it either.

Patrick Williams:

I didn't wear the face mask and I don't, I, man, I don't know

Patrick Williams:

I just know I don't have it, and I'm never quit working because of it.

Chris Williams:

My life hasn't always been so sterile, so my

Chris Williams:

And I've asked, I've asked a thousand people, how many homeless people

Chris Williams:

How many people do you know that lived on the streets got Covid?

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I haven't heard of anybody tell me that anybody on the streets got covid.

Chris Williams:

Because they're exposed all the time to everything.

Chris Williams:

They've got killer immune systems.

Chris Williams:

And think about it, we ate school lunches forever.

Chris Williams:

That's probably why we can eat anything.

Chris Williams:

Well, that concludes our show for today.

Chris Williams:

We thank you for being here with us.

Chris Williams:

We like today's show rate and review us on Podchaser.

Chris Williams:

It only takes a moment and it would help us tremendously

Chris Williams:

Independence and the Constitution of United States of America.

Chris Williams:

Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, the Constitution

Show artwork for The Constitution Commandos

About the Podcast

The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
Welcome to The Constitution Commandos!
We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution Commandos is more than just a podcast; it’s a call to arms for every citizen who values the freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that knowledge is power, and through our discussions, we aim to equip our listeners with the knowledge they need to safeguard our democracy.

Join us on this journey as we stand guard over the Constitution and navigate the complexities of these challenging times together.
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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.