G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 Tucker Carlson and Others - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 18

Published on:

21st Aug 2023

Tucker Carlson and Others

The Constitution Commandos

[00:00] The Pledge of Allegiance


Good morning, fellow patriots!

Welcome to18 of 2. Today we strike up a conversation about Tucker Carlson and Others.

Don't forget to sign up for our weekly emails to get notifications when I publish new episodes.

My name is Chris Williams and I am your host. My brother Patrick Williams is the cohost and we are The Constitution Commandos .


Tucker Carlson

  • A true liberal who weighs facts
  • Observes events through a moral lense
  • Association with Fox News makes him appear far right

Other Liberals Like Tucker

  • Ben Shapiro -
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Tim Pool
  • Joe Rogan

Meeting Ted Nugent

Chris Williams:

A pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Chris Williams:

of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands,

Chris Williams:

Good morning, my fellow Americans.

Chris Williams:

It's awesome to have one more day to breathe the fresh air of liberty.

Chris Williams:

Hey, we're glad you're here and welcome you to episode 18 and

Chris Williams:

Hey, we encourage you to weigh in on the topic.

Chris Williams:

And you can do so by emailing us at podcast@theconstitutioncommandos.org.

Chris Williams:

I'm your host, Chris Williams.

Chris Williams:

My brother Patrick Williams is co-host and we're the constitution commandos.

Chris Williams:

I asked Stella already if dad listened to Tucker Carlson.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And apparently he doesn't.

Chris Williams:

And I said, why didn't you listen to Tucker Carlson?

Chris Williams:

Tucker Carlson is a liberal, Ben Shapiro is a liberal.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I didn't know he was a liberal.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

You know, Alex Jones is just straight up against all he is against

Chris Williams:

So, yeah.

Chris Williams:

But, but you know, dad doesn't like Alex Jones because he's

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

but you know, I was thinking about that yesterday when

Chris Williams:

just sat on one side or the other, but seems to me they would listen

Chris Williams:

Or, you know, Republicans would listen to diehard Republicans or something.

Chris Williams:

I don't know, but I wonder why they're not.

Chris Williams:

Yeah, I got an idea why they're not, especially with Tucker Carlson,

Chris Williams:

I mean, but really all he is doing is weighing out facts.

Patrick Williams:

Well, he, he states the obvious and he does it with a level of

Patrick Williams:

Well, it's noticeably sarcastic, but Sure it is.

Patrick Williams:

You know, I don't, I don't know if you've watched many interviews where

Patrick Williams:

Oh, yeah.

Patrick Williams:

He doesn't have a, he doesn't have a tv He doesn't keep up with, he

Patrick Williams:

He, he don't, he don't really, that's right.

Chris Williams:

You know, he gets a lot of his news from people

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

So he looks at things like, just, just any subject you can think of.

Chris Williams:

Well, I mean, just like, what does Trump

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

He, he looks at it from the way he, he was taught the difference

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

He tries to take each thing he hears.

Patrick Williams:

Through a, a moral lens in a sense, yeah.

Patrick Williams:

That it fits in the scope of right or wrong, but as a, and not just from a

Patrick Williams:

So right.

Patrick Williams:

He'll hear something and to him of sound, mind and body, he's

Patrick Williams:

I can't that really that's, that's going on.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

you almost did too.

Chris Williams:

You almost had the laugh and everything.

Patrick Williams:

So he states the obvious.

Patrick Williams:

But from a standpoint of a neutral person or a bystander.

Patrick Williams:

An outsider, yeah somebody from the outside looking in and somebody

Patrick Williams:

Per se, you know, he's not stuck in a, oh, I, I'm, I'm Democrat because this, this,

Chris Williams:

He's on the fence.

Chris Williams:

He hears something that's going on that's current and he views that for what it is.

Chris Williams:

So, well, the interview that I saw that, that he was in with Ben Shapiro,

Chris Williams:

I can understand that.

Chris Williams:

But what he is doing, from what I've, what I've seen in his interviews now, he'll

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

He says that his friends in Washington, DC they know they're messing up, but

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And of course, if you can do Tucker Carlson, he's like,

Chris Williams:

Why can't they just accept that it's a failure?

Patrick Williams:

Learn from it.

Patrick Williams:

I make a course correction.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And, and every, every interview I've seen him in, that has

Chris Williams:

It is not so much that the Democrats are wrong, it's, I mean, he even

Chris Williams:

You know?

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

He's not, it's almost like he's not taking sides, but he, he's just stating facts.

Chris Williams:

That's it.

Chris Williams:

Which is why I think more people ought to listen to him.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Even from the Democratic side.

Patrick Williams:

Well, and I have a feeling that what happens when

Patrick Williams:

Initially it was because, oh, he's on Fox, so he's a right winger, or.

Patrick Williams:

They hear him talk and it comes across as conservative to them and they're

Patrick Williams:

Or it is so far outside of their ideological beliefs, they don't, like you

Patrick Williams:

They don't wanna, you know, have a level of they don't wanna look

Patrick Williams:

It's, it's, it's automatically, it's not what I think it's become so tribal.

Patrick Williams:

Everybody's like, and, and they're in this group think mentality.

Patrick Williams:

Okay, well, oh, I don't agree with that.

Patrick Williams:

So he's a far right wing extremist.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, that's just the way people don't give him a chance because that's

Patrick Williams:

They don't wanna listen to him because their preconceived notion or

Chris Williams:

look at it so much as he's right wing or,

Chris Williams:

I mean,

Patrick Williams:

well, I, I think it's a culmination.

Patrick Williams:

I think it's a culmination.

Patrick Williams:

Everybody associates, Tucker Carlson with Fox News, which he's not with anymore,

Patrick Williams:

It's the far right media outlet.

Patrick Williams:

You know, that's so that automatically is the first strike.

Patrick Williams:

When people hear Tucker Carlson, they're like, oh, far, right?

Patrick Williams:

Or when he brings his perspective to the table and talks from a logical standpoint.

Patrick Williams:

It totally conflicts with their ideology so automatically

Patrick Williams:

You're far right.

Patrick Williams:

You know what I mean?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

So it's, it's a culmination.

Patrick Williams:

I think it's a culmination of all those things, but I just

Patrick Williams:

Fox ideology's off.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

You know, they don't even want, if they would listen to other

Patrick Williams:

And just listen, set aside their differences.

Patrick Williams:

Sit there neutral for a second.

Patrick Williams:

Say, okay, I'm gonna hear what Tucker Carlson is about.

Patrick Williams:

They might change their mind, but I think they are so ingrained into

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

And that's, and that's probably true.

Chris Williams:

And to be honest, I thought Tucker Carlson was a right winger.

Chris Williams:

Just because of the way I, you know, the way he comes

Chris Williams:

But you know, I didn't even find out until he did that interview

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I don't remember how long he had been there.

Patrick Williams:

It hasn't been long,

Chris Williams:

but I, I mean, it was like, you know, Ben even asked

Chris Williams:

He said I just filled a position that was, but you know, Tucker

Chris Williams:

And that amazes me because his insight into politics is incredible.

Chris Williams:

But the way he analyzes it, knowing now that he is a liberal is, is even better.

Chris Williams:

You know?

Chris Williams:

But then he's not the only one.

Chris Williams:

You know, like I said, Ben Shapiro's a liberal and even Alan Dershowitz

Chris Williams:

Vote Republican, especially for Trump, and I mean, apparently he doesn't like

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

But if you know Alan Dershowitz, he's in Defense of the Law.

Chris Williams:

I'm glad we got some fair players out there like that because it does say

Chris Williams:

You know what I mean?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Are you familiar.

Patrick Williams:

Podcast Tim Poole.

Patrick Williams:

I heard that name.

Patrick Williams:

He does what is it?

Patrick Williams:

I think Tim podcast.

Patrick Williams:

I I I, and I don't, forgive me if I'm getting it wrong.

Patrick Williams:

You introduced,

Chris Williams:

I think you introduced me to him once.

Chris Williams:

Lemme see.

Patrick Williams:

Well, he is Escape guy, Tim Poole, right?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

He actually was one of the first people like vice.

Patrick Williams:

Brought him in to start Vice News.

Patrick Williams:

Basically, you know, he's worked for major media outlets and you

Patrick Williams:

He's, but he, you know, he used Hello to align with Democrats,

Patrick Williams:

Can you hear me?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Hear me?

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, I got you.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

He said it's only been recently where?

Patrick Williams:

You know, his belief system has been more aligned with the Republican party

Patrick Williams:

But I don't agree with everything that Tim Poole says, and I don't, let me

Patrick Williams:

And, you know, his insight.

Patrick Williams:

So I don't agree with all of his perspectives a hundred percent of the

Patrick Williams:

What he does is he's an opinion guy, you know?

Patrick Williams:

Well, Tim Poole right, is the same way he reads the news, and then he's got a

Patrick Williams:

I mean, dude, he gets people like Matt Gaetz, he gets big

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Not just Matt Gaetz.

Patrick Williams:

He's had Joe Rogan.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, dude, you could go down a list of people that he's had on a show.

Patrick Williams:

I think he's had Bernie Sanders on there.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, he's had a lot of people.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And but anyway, on both sides of the aisle.

Patrick Williams:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Patrick Williams:

And one of his shows, oh, you remember the band?

Patrick Williams:

All that remains right.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Well, the lead singer from all that remains is one of his regular pa

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And they give a, you, you really ought to watch it.

Patrick Williams:

But basically what I was saying was he, you know, he, he is a liberal,

Patrick Williams:

That's what he does.

Patrick Williams:

He's a, he's a skateboarder.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

But right.

Patrick Williams:

He said a lot of his friends or a lot of people that have known him, acquaintances,

Patrick Williams:

He, he, he just says Trump was the first one that he got on board

Patrick Williams:

He didn't start any wars.

Patrick Williams:

You know, he's, he's one of the, he's a liberal, he want, he wants

Patrick Williams:

You know what I mean?

Patrick Williams:

He wants everybody to live and let live, right?

Patrick Williams:

But a lot of people call him a freaking Republican.

Patrick Williams:

It's no different than what we were talking about with Tucker.

Patrick Williams:

Some people won't even give Tim Poole a chance.

Patrick Williams:

Look at Joe Rogan.

Patrick Williams:

He is a hardcore liberal.

Patrick Williams:

He is hardcore liberal, but he's fair.

Patrick Williams:

He was a, yeah, it was he a Bernie bro or was he a Hillary fan or something?

Patrick Williams:

But anyway, I wanna

Chris Williams:

say Hillary, but I don't know for sure.

Patrick Williams:

But now you look at him.

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, he'll say it.

Patrick Williams:

Point blank.

Patrick Williams:

He's going to vote Republican because of the lunacy, not because he's a Republican.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

But there's a lot of people now that say he is sold out and

Patrick Williams:

He's a curious man.

Patrick Williams:

He has great questions to the people that he interviews, you know?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I look at people like that, like the Tucker Carlson, the Joe Joe Rogans,

Patrick Williams:

I look at 'em as not just people that want to hear the other side to hear

Patrick Williams:

And that's what we used to do and that's what's so.

Patrick Williams:

It's, it's a stark reality and contrast between today and say 15, 20 years ago.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

15, 20 years ago, that was common life in America.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Everybody knew everybody that had I mean, everybody knew somebody that had

Patrick Williams:

Get canceled from, you know, whatever and fired from your job or call a speciesist.

Patrick Williams:

Oh my gosh.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

That, yeah.

Patrick Williams:

I, I wish the left would just stop inventing words, man.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it's, it really does show the intell or the lack of intellect.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it's, it's horrible.

Patrick Williams:

Go learn some grammar.

Patrick Williams:

I stopped trying to subvert grammar by inventing stuff.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, just sounds stupid, but anyway, yeah it, just trips me out because

Patrick Williams:

People won't give 'em a, because logic, what they're talking about is outside of

Chris Williams:

Is the same thing as being logical.

Chris Williams:

I'm good with that.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I mean, but you know, a lot of the people too that are, you know,

Chris Williams:

Rogan and all these people, they're old enough to, you know, been liberal when

Chris Williams:

I mean, You know, it wasn't quite the John Kennedy type of Democrat, but

Chris Williams:

Kamikaze Nazis that we have in power now, but, but a lot of those people

Chris Williams:

You know, they're old enough to remember what the Democratic party was back

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And you know, and back then, I mean, if I remember correctly, even

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Oh yeah.

Patrick Williams:

Hell, I remember going to the airport and watching Jimmy Carters speak.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

gosh, I remember that.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I mean,

Chris Williams:

that was, we watched him get off the plane, right?

Chris Williams:

They were on the tarmac.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And looking back, I'm like, what were mom and dad thinking?

Patrick Williams:

I mean, really.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, was that was one of the worst we went.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, and hey, I'm, I'm cool if they just want to go here with the

Patrick Williams:

It was the president, right?

Patrick Williams:

It could been, and I'm, it was one of those two things as opposed to, Garner

Patrick Williams:

I, I'm just, I'm praying that's not the case.

Patrick Williams:

You know, you gotta

Chris Williams:

give mom and dad a little credit now because Jimmy Carter did not

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

well, you're, you're absolutely right about that.

Chris Williams:

He at least remembered where he was.

Patrick Williams:

Well, I.

Patrick Williams:

Okay, I got, I got two memories of my history that are always, they're going

Patrick Williams:

Number two was watching Donnie and Marie Osmond for my first concert.

Patrick Williams:

I've like, wow.

Patrick Williams:

And you just let the cat outta the bag, man.

Patrick Williams:

We wasn't supposed to tell that.

Patrick Williams:

Well, I know.

Patrick Williams:

It is embarrassing.

Patrick Williams:

That's a tough one to talk about.

Patrick Williams:

But once again, I am sheltered from the blame on that because we

Patrick Williams:

The first concert I decided to see was Brian Adams, summer of 69, so I.

Patrick Williams:

Redeemed myself with that right there.

Patrick Williams:

Well, look, I can save

Chris Williams:

base with my first requested concert, which was my birthday.

Chris Williams:

In fact, Ted Nugent in 38 special.

Chris Williams:

And then I got the honor of meeting Ted Nugent in

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Was that, was Molly Hatchett?

Patrick Williams:

Was that the one with Molly Hatchett that day?

Patrick Williams:

No, no, it

Chris Williams:

he came, I thought it, it was a really twisted bill

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Three songs into 38 special.

Chris Williams:

It was proven that Ted NuGet should have opened, I mean, headlined

Chris Williams:

But but I, I never would've imagined in a million years I would've ever been able

Chris Williams:

But I did.

Chris Williams:

And it, I, he blew me away really.

Chris Williams:

First thing.

Chris Williams:

He looked at me and said, I mean, I don't know if you remember,

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

The apartment manager's brother.

Patrick Williams:

Oh, you, oh, you're talking about in Austin?

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chris Williams:

Well, I went with him to the back room and

Patrick Williams:

yeah, his name was Perry.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

He went on one side of the bar to do something and wanted me to go

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

So I went and found a table and I mean, we're in Austin,

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Long hair, earrings and everything.

Chris Williams:

And so when I found this table, I went to the table and next to me, I said,

Chris Williams:

And they said, yeah, bad company and damn Yankees.

Chris Williams:

I said, oh, I walked in the wrong side of the bar.

Chris Williams:

And they said, you're not from here, are you?

Chris Williams:

Does it show, you know, as it turns out, it was Jason

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

yeah, but dude, nobody in Austin at that time was from Austin.

Patrick Williams:

No, nobody.

Chris Williams:

Well, Jason was, but Jason asked me, he says,

Chris Williams:

And I said, Ted, who?

Chris Williams:

I was like a moron, right?

Chris Williams:

And I said, yeah, I'd love to meet Ted.

Chris Williams:

He said, where is he?

Chris Williams:

He goes, he's at the sound booth.

Chris Williams:

He'll be coming up in a minute.

Chris Williams:

As soon as he walked by, Jason stopped him and started talking to him, and Ted looked

Chris Williams:

So awestruck.

Chris Williams:

I'm not awestruck, believe me.

Chris Williams:

He said, what's the problem?

Chris Williams:

So I told him about going to the concert.

Chris Williams:

Him and, well, I didn't tell him it was him and 38 specialists.

Chris Williams:

I said, I went to his concert three years prior on my birthday.

Chris Williams:

I said, man, and I could have sworn you were hopped up on

Chris Williams:

He said, I've never done drugs in my life.

Chris Williams:

Never drank a drop in my life.

Chris Williams:

And I said, wow.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I mean, but if you, you've talked to Ted before.

Chris Williams:

Have you ever been around

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Or just listened to him on, man, I've listened to him quite a bit, but I've

Patrick Williams:

Look, man, that guy

Chris Williams:

blew me away.

Chris Williams:

His intellect is far beyond anything you would expect from a rock and roller.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

But when he told me music was his hobby, I was like, well,

Chris Williams:

But I, I was really impressed with him.

Chris Williams:

I mean, I thought he was gonna be, I mean, if you think about it, every time

Chris Williams:

But talking to him, it's a whole different personality.

Chris Williams:

I mean, he's a great guy though.

Chris Williams:

I mean, I wish I could talk to him some more.

Chris Williams:

Yeah, that was an interesting one, especially since that was my first time.

Chris Williams:

So it special.

Chris Williams:

That concludes our show for today and we thank you for being here with us.

Chris Williams:

If you like the show, rate it podchaser.Com.

Chris Williams:

It only takes a moment and it help us tremendously.

Chris Williams:

Subscribe to get our weekly emails and your personal copy of The Declaration

Chris Williams:

Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the

Show artwork for The Constitution Commandos

About the Podcast

The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
Welcome to The Constitution Commandos!
We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution Commandos is more than just a podcast; it’s a call to arms for every citizen who values the freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that knowledge is power, and through our discussions, we aim to equip our listeners with the knowledge they need to safeguard our democracy.

Join us on this journey as we stand guard over the Constitution and navigate the complexities of these challenging times together.
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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.