G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 The Trump Trials - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 16

Published on:

14th Aug 2023

The Trump Trials

The Constitution Commandos

[00:00] The Pledge of Allegiance


Good morning, fellow patriots!

Welcome to16 of 2. Today we strike up a conversation about The Trump Trials.

Don't forget to sign up for our weekly emails to get notifications when I publish new episodes.

My name is Chris Williams and I am your host. My brother Patrick Williams is the cohost and we are The Constitution Commandos .

  • Trump will not get a fair trial and indictments keep coming
  • Trump didn't take PAC money - D.C. turned on him
  • Russia collusion - Biden inquiry in Ukraine

Impeachment Fraud

  • Impeachment fraud by Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, FBI, and DOJ
  • Phone Call w/Ukraine led to second impeachment

Players in Trump Assaults

  • Jack Smith all but disbarred
  • DA Bragg (campaigned on "Getting Trump)
  • State of New York changes law to permit a lawsuit outside statute of limitations

Incitement of Violence

  • Maxine Waters (D) calls for people to accost Trump Supporters
  • Nancy Pelosi (D) calls for harsher protests

More safety = Fewer Rights

  • Patriot Act

Trump makes visible the corruption of politics

Criminal Voting Practices of 2019

[15:27] Introduction:

Good morning, fellow patriots!

Welcome to16 of 2. Today we strike up a conversation about The Trump Trials.

Don't forget to sign up for our weekly emails to get notifications when I publish new episodes.

My name is Chris Williams and I am your host. My brother Patrick Williams is the cohost and we are The Constitution Commandos .

Chris Williams:

A pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

Chris Williams:

Good morning fellow Americans.

Chris Williams:

It is awesome to have one more day to breathe, fresh share of liberty, and

Chris Williams:

And you can do so by emailing us at podcast@theconstitutioncommandos.org.

Chris Williams:

I'm your host Chris Williams, and my brother Patrick

Chris Williams:

The Constitution command?

Chris Williams:

Well, I could talk about the Trump trials, I think would be a good way

Patrick Williams:

we both end up in court.

Patrick Williams:

Well, he is gonna get convicted regardless.

Patrick Williams:

He's gonna lean on the end.

Patrick Williams:

Result's gonna come down to an appeal.

Patrick Williams:

He's not gonna get a fair trial in Washington dc.

Patrick Williams:

Don't really know about Florida, but I'm pretty sure that if the judges were worth

Patrick Williams:

But Atlanta, he'll get.

Patrick Williams:

Indicted for sure.

Patrick Williams:

And uh, I didn't even know they were working on it.

Chris Williams:

Michigan is waiting on it or waiting for something to

Chris Williams:

But in all actuality, you know, Trump said many times that they're

Chris Williams:

I hate it for him and his family, but he is really going through a whole bunch of

Patrick Williams:

the deep state.

Patrick Williams:

That's understand though seven years or longer, this has been going on with Trump.

Patrick Williams:

When Trump first started getting attacked, and it's 'cause he

Patrick Williams:

He didn't take any PAC money.

Patrick Williams:

He wasn't no one favors, okay, so the attacks started.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

This is a chronological whisk through.

Patrick Williams:

While he was in, he was opposed at everything he tried to do.

Patrick Williams:

He was opposed by both left and right, mostly by the deep state.

Patrick Williams:

He tried to pull our troops outta Syria.

Patrick Williams:

The deep state lied to him.

Patrick Williams:

General Mille.

Patrick Williams:

Others And the d o D lied to him about how many troops were there.

Patrick Williams:

He did end wars.

Patrick Williams:

We didn't have one fatality in Afghanistan while he was in.

Patrick Williams:

Not until Biden took over and the entire time from the day he won the

Patrick Williams:

Then they turned around immediately after he asked Zelensky to

Patrick Williams:

I say rumors.

Patrick Williams:

There was enough there to warrant a question.

Patrick Williams:

By the foreign, I mean by our president to a foreign executive to look into

Patrick Williams:

Well, that's what they impeached him over.

Patrick Williams:

So people, logically you would think, okay, he saw possible fraud going

Patrick Williams:

Or at the time, vice president and all of a sudden, that's the first

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Well, actually Russia collusion, mind you, he's been indicted in

Patrick Williams:

Because he questioned the results of the election.

Patrick Williams:

Well, I don't recall one Democrat being indicted in 20 16, 20 17,

Patrick Williams:

Of them.

Patrick Williams:

So Trump is being indicted.

Patrick Williams:

I understand.

Patrick Williams:

Either For the ex Yeah, but he, he was indicted for the exact

Patrick Williams:

You can go to every election cycle.

Patrick Williams:

People have doubted or tried to oppose the election results.

Patrick Williams:

Every election cycle it happens, but Trump is the only one to be prosecuted.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

So they found out from the first in, uh, impeachment.

Patrick Williams:

That what they impeached him on was completely fabricated

Patrick Williams:

That is known now, so that impeachment should be pulled off of the books

Patrick Williams:

Right, and it was created by the intelligence agencies, the

Patrick Williams:

They invented the disaster that they called the Russian impeachment.

Patrick Williams:

Then the second impeachment was over him asking, and by this time

Patrick Williams:

What looks to be corruption in Ukraine, so they impeach him over a phone call about

Patrick Williams:

He has the right as the president to ask other about

Patrick Williams:

He has every Right.

Patrick Williams:

That's what he was hired for, but they impeached him for asking about it.

Patrick Williams:

Well, today we see that everything is coming out.

Patrick Williams:

That exactly what he asked about was 100% true, but it was true against the Bidens.

Patrick Williams:

Now just the Bidens.

Patrick Williams:

I know Republicans are caught up in Ukraine.

Patrick Williams:

I know the Democrats are caught up in Ukraine.

Patrick Williams:

I know the damn military industrial complex is caught up in Ukraine.

Patrick Williams:

I know pharmaceuticals are, a lot of them are headquartered in Ukraine, so

Patrick Williams:

Since he came down the elevator and announced, and people still want to

Patrick Williams:

I mean, I, I don't understand.

Patrick Williams:

See, and that's the part that just blows my mind.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, you would think that logic would kick in for even the people

Patrick Williams:

Or there was a basis against the people that impeached him.

Patrick Williams:

And it is the best.

Patrick Williams:

It's amazing to me that, that this is still going on.

Patrick Williams:

It, it is.

Patrick Williams:

It's, it's completely a hit job.

Patrick Williams:

And then, not to mention Jack Smith, I think he's had at least six of

Patrick Williams:

He was excoriated by the Supreme Court justices.

Patrick Williams:

Talking about how I'm

Chris Williams:

excoriated because I mean, excoriated is not a very

Patrick Williams:

Well, he was lambasted, the judge's tongue lashed him.

Patrick Williams:

They verbally, they basically had a verbal indictment of his poor ethics

Patrick Williams:

But that's who I'm gonna call the deep state, the Puppet Biden and his regime or.

Patrick Williams:

Obama and his regime are sin sicking on Trump.

Patrick Williams:

Every attack they've had against Trump has been proven to be false, right?

Patrick Williams:

Every one of them, I, I, I just, I, I'm so blown away by this, and you still

Patrick Williams:

That it is true.

Patrick Williams:

They, they, they can't, there, there's nothing, there's no facts they can

Patrick Williams:

It's ludicrous.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

if you go back to the situation in New

Chris Williams:

They had him?

Chris Williams:

For what they gave him, 34, 37 indictments, right?

Chris Williams:

Something like that over a transaction.

Chris Williams:

That first of all, by most, by most legal systems, is not even illegal.

Chris Williams:

And it turned it into a felony, just shy of a federal offense just to keep

Chris Williams:

But these indictments that Bragg brought forth his own office,

Chris Williams:

And yet they

Patrick Williams:


indicted, indicted there.

Patrick Williams:


Not to mention the lady that tried to sue him for sexual harassment.

Patrick Williams:



Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And, uh, what was it?

Chris Williams:

A, a dressing room and a

Patrick Williams:

shopping mall.

Patrick Williams:

State of New York that was so far outside.

Patrick Williams:

It was like 16 or 17 years.

Patrick Williams:

It was so far past the dime of statute of limitations according to the New York law.

Patrick Williams:

But they changed the law to bring that one charge.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

They changed the law for one year.

Chris Williams:

For one year, for anybody who has had a problem with Donald Trump,

Chris Williams:

Uh, what, what kind of crap is that?

Chris Williams:

I mean,

Patrick Williams:

yeah, that's is lunacy.

Patrick Williams:

It is absolute lunacy.

Patrick Williams:

It is operating outside of the law and manipulating the existing

Patrick Williams:

Butt hardness.

Patrick Williams:

That's all it is.

Chris Williams:

It's, now here's the thing that's funny about that though.

Chris Williams:

'cause you got people like Nancy Pelosi and uh, God knows who else you had.

Chris Williams:

Um, Maxine Waters.

Chris Williams:

Nobody is above the law and yet what are we doing?

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

The law, it seems like

Patrick Williams:

the thing that gets me is these people, I mean, there's, I've

Patrick Williams:

on the left after Trump won, you know, Maxine Water, a number, of'em, I mean,

Patrick Williams:

That said, if you see anybody in that administration, you get in their face

Patrick Williams:

And I mean, people literally inciting violence.

Patrick Williams:

That's inciting violence.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Uh, it's, it's crazy.

Patrick Williams:

And then many of them have used the word we have to fight,

Chris Williams:

Trump uses it.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

But Donald Trump uses the exact same word.

Patrick Williams:

And for all of you stupid people out there, because I know you're not slow or.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I know you're just stupid.

Patrick Williams:

Uh, fight has many different ways of being utilized and you hear

Patrick Williams:

Use the word fight.

Patrick Williams:

That does not mean break somebody's head or pick up a weapon and

Patrick Williams:

That's correct.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, stand up for what you believe in, whether it's verbal or what, whatever.

Patrick Williams:

Or you got, I mean, it is so ludicrous to me.

Patrick Williams:

I don't, I can't, in a million years I never thought we'd live in a clown world.

Patrick Williams:

And we live in a clown world.

Patrick Williams:

Well, we

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

We do.

Chris Williams:

But see now, I think what's going on with Trump right now is stuff

Chris Williams:

Uh, you know, the perfect example I think we could always go back to this is 9 1 1.

Chris Williams:

I mean, you know, the government says, oh, well we're gonna

Chris Williams:

And in essence what they did was take away your freedom to control you more.

Chris Williams:

And you know, I, I talked to people recently who don't even realize,

Chris Williams:

And they were being searched.

Chris Williams:

I said, but it was over a broken tail light.

Chris Williams:

I said, you, you realize they don't even need that to search you anymore.

Chris Williams:

I mean, they don't really need anything, no probable cause or anything to search

Chris Williams:

I'm not, I don't feel safe knowing that I have to be told, I can be told

Chris Williams:

That doesn't, I mean, doesn't make me feel safe at all.

Chris Williams:

What would make me feel safe is, I don't know.

Chris Williams:

Nine millimeter and maybe even a shotgun.

Chris Williams:

I would feel safe then.

Chris Williams:

But since nine 11, I mean, there is no safety.

Chris Williams:

And if you think about it, never in our history has anybody ever gone against

Chris Williams:

Nobody's ever targeted.

Chris Williams:

Somebody like Donald Trump has been targeted, and quite frankly,

Chris Williams:

Donald Trump actually did what a.

Chris Williams:

President who serves his country is supposed to do.

Chris Williams:

Now, we have never seen this in our lifetime.

Chris Williams:

We've heard the campaign lies and we've seen the unfulfillment of

Chris Williams:

And most people were just looking at his mean tweets.

Chris Williams:

So what he was serving the country, and now what he's seeing is what the

Chris Williams:

Where Donald Trump came in and made it very obvious simply by doing

Chris Williams:

He made it obvious what's been going on in our entire

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Yeah, yeah.

Patrick Williams:

Well, people always said that the government is crooked and this,

Patrick Williams:

Because the stuff that is going, yeah, the stuff that's going

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it's absolutely unprecedented for a constitutional republic.

Patrick Williams:

Well, without a doubt.

Chris Williams:

And but now this may be unprecedented everything we're

Patrick Williams:

new precedent.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And then when, if a conservative ever gets back into office and they

Patrick Williams:

Oh man.

Patrick Williams:

Oh, he's a dictator.

Patrick Williams:

He's a dictator.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Speaking of dict, and all you can really say is, uh, remember Donald Trump?

Patrick Williams:

Okay, well this is ex, y'all started this, and I don't mean to say y'all

Patrick Williams:

This is going to happen now.

Patrick Williams:

You know, you can't sit there and make a set of rules until you

Patrick Williams:

You can't do that.

Patrick Williams:

You can't

Chris Williams:

do that.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And you can't expect it to be any other way.

Chris Williams:

I mean, the Democrats of late, and I'm not talking about the John Kennedy

Chris Williams:

Well, the Republicans have done it too.

Chris Williams:

I mean, how many times have we seen some kind of argument go across the

Chris Williams:

The Republicans are saying the same thing about the Democrats, and in

Chris Williams:

of the country because a bunch of people on the hill or but hurt about

Chris Williams:

And I'm gonna tell you something, I'm real butt hurt about what happened in

Chris Williams:

who were either no longer in the district that they claimed to have voted in or

Chris Williams:

This time I.

Chris Williams:

And Yeah, you know, it amazes me that people still want to call

Chris Williams:

We're not election deniers.

Chris Williams:

We just deny to accept the votes of the dead people, especially when it's

Chris Williams:

That were illegitimate votes.

Chris Williams:

And I think it was reported that about, well, I don't remember the percentage.

Chris Williams:

A very large percentage of Pennsylvania's voting was illegitimate.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Something happened that froze up pretty good for

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

But a majority of the Pennsylvania votes were illegitimate, A majority of 'em.

Chris Williams:

And they found this out by tracking people's cell phones and finding

Chris Williams:

And they even made, they made their, um, Their criterion was

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Like you had to go to the same, um, so you had to go to the, I

Chris Williams:

When they had tracked a phone that went to that nonprofit organization, it had

Chris Williams:

And the numbers were astronomical.

Chris Williams:

How many mules they were finding.

Chris Williams:

They started this in Georgia, and there should have never been the likelihood of

Patrick Williams:

was that, or drop boxes?

Patrick Williams:

I can't remember.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Well, they were, yeah, the drop boxes is what they were having,

Chris Williams:

That's what I'm saying.

Chris Williams:

It was supposed, the numbers that they set for their criteria were supposed

Patrick Williams:

Speaking of it, we were talking the other day and

Patrick Williams:

That, and he said he thinks it was in Arizona during the 2022 election

Patrick Williams:

I don't recall hearing, I've not heard that report.

Patrick Williams:

Anybody being assaulted?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I have not heard that report.

Patrick Williams:

I'm not even that, that's what dad told me.

Patrick Williams:

And, but he watches p b s so I don't, I don't know.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, it could be just, I know.

Patrick Williams:

Blatant lies.

Patrick Williams:

Anything else?

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, I do know

Chris Williams:

that, um, during, during the midterm elections, I do know that

Chris Williams:

Dropping multiple votes into the Dropbox.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And these people were actually taking pictures to prove that they had

Chris Williams:

They were getting these ballots from.

Chris Williams:

So there was some of that, but as far as assaulting people, I, I

Chris Williams:

I, I'm not saying they don't exist, but I haven't heard it.

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, I haven't heard it either.

Patrick Williams:

And it's just so not what conservative does.

Patrick Williams:

I, I don't where conservatives.

Patrick Williams:

But en mass have gone and assaulted anyone?

Patrick Williams:

I don't think I've heard of it at all.

Patrick Williams:

I'm not saying, I'm not saying you won't have somebody that is a conservative,

Patrick Williams:

But I'm, I'm not familiar with any conservatives being violent with

Patrick Williams:

I haven't, yeah, I have, I have

Chris Williams:

heard no reports of even something like that.

Chris Williams:

But you know, that goes back to what we do know about the January 6th thing,

Chris Williams:

At the end of it, even he was saying to those people, I know you want to go

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

He said, I'll be with you.

Chris Williams:

Which I believe now Donald Peaceful really wanted to be there.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Peaceful and patriotically.

Patrick Williams:

Let your voices be heard.

Patrick Williams:

Be heard, and and I don't, many time and again, he do not do anything.

Patrick Williams:

He said, do not do any.

Patrick Williams:

Listen to the law.

Patrick Williams:

He said they're there to help.

Patrick Williams:

He said, do not do anything.

Patrick Williams:

You know, he, he literally said it.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

In the speech over and over again.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

But all that crap happened at the Capitol, like an hour and a half

Patrick Williams:

That's correct.

Patrick Williams:

For an hour, hour, something like that.

Patrick Williams:

Well, the

Chris Williams:

part that I wanted to bring up was that I, I

Chris Williams:

I do know the large numbers that they have thrown out there are

Chris Williams:

But from what you hear of the people that were at the rally, they were

Chris Williams:

They didn't need it.

Chris Williams:

You see what I'm saying?

Chris Williams:

I mean, look, we've been to concerts where there's been 10,000 people

Chris Williams:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chris Williams:

But you're talking about a rally, a political rally.

Chris Williams:

With tens of thousands of people.

Patrick Williams:

And there's no security thousand.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

what I think is closer to, but the people that were there

Chris Williams:

It was like, you know, a bunch of family just hanging out and enjoying

Chris Williams:

We didn't need it, you know?

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Now, you would think there'd be a lot of security with

Chris Williams:

Speech that day.

Chris Williams:

I mean, but it's amazing to me that there all, all those reports

Chris Williams:

Now, the other part that's amazing to me is we talked about people

Patrick Williams:

Well, there wasn't security because Barry on Bowser and

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Because they said point blank.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

You know, they said it.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

So because y'all already embedded enough federal agents that if the National Guard

Patrick Williams:

were dressed in Trump clothes and then found out they were federal agents, you're

Patrick Williams:

What do you think?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Why do.

Patrick Williams:

Of course the optics would've been horrible because they had

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Because Trump approved the National Guard for that day.

Patrick Williams:

The F B I had already received, received tips, and Trump had already been brief.

Patrick Williams:

That's why he pre-approved 10,000 national Guardsmen.

Patrick Williams:

And of course, yeah, the optics are gonna be horrible when they find

Patrick Williams:

And I'm hearing that's very.

Patrick Williams:

Number, very low number.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Federal agents and Capitol police and all these guys that

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

To instigate the bad, who ought did you rest?

Patrick Williams:

Oh, we arrested 286 people.

Patrick Williams:

285 of 'em were federal officer.

Patrick Williams:

Well look who was two 80?

Patrick Williams:

Who was the 2 86 1.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

He was trying to defend himself.

Chris Williams:

But hey, look, the same numbers they brought, I mean, how many

Chris Williams:

And the sad part is if you look at the time, if you look at the times

Chris Williams:

And I found out how they did it.

Chris Williams:

The same way they found out all these mules were running from

Chris Williams:

They already knew these people were gonna be there January the sixth.

Chris Williams:

They had 'em locked and loaded before they ever came.

Chris Williams:

Yeah, so why aren't we looking at that?

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Well, I tell you why, because it's a communist regime.

Patrick Williams:

I don't care what anybody says.

Patrick Williams:

You look at the actions and break it down on merit.

Patrick Williams:

What we're living under right now, our government is communist.

Patrick Williams:

That's right.

Patrick Williams:

They are.

Patrick Williams:

They're going after their political advocacy.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I mean, they're going after their ideological adversaries, right?

Patrick Williams:

They're instilling thought police everywhere.

Patrick Williams:

They're not saying, you have the freedom of thought.

Patrick Williams:

You think what I think, or we're going to crush your life.

Patrick Williams:

Communistic very, very

Chris Williams:

much so.

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

they gotta shut everybody up here for long.

Chris Williams:

That concludes our episode for the day, and we

Chris Williams:

If you like today's show rate and view us on Pod Chaser, don't only

Chris Williams:

emails and your personal copy of The Declaration of Independence and the

Chris Williams:

Until next time, and on behalf of my brother, myself, We are the Constitution

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About the Podcast

The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
Welcome to The Constitution Commandos!
We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution Commandos is more than just a podcast; it’s a call to arms for every citizen who values the freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that knowledge is power, and through our discussions, we aim to equip our listeners with the knowledge they need to safeguard our democracy.

Join us on this journey as we stand guard over the Constitution and navigate the complexities of these challenging times together.
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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.