G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 We are All Slaves - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 4

Published on:

22nd Feb 2023

S2E4 We are all Slaves

 Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice.

Hello everybody, and I wanna thank you. We're hanging out with us this evening. This is the fourth episode, this second season. Don't forget, two years open for the announcement of the live event. We'll be scheduling soon. And Patrick's actually ready to get this egg started. So am I. My name is Chris and you are listening to The Constitution Commandos.

Just before I, just before I called you VP a. Was, um, standing behind a podium. I had to hear what she had to say and I don't know why. Cause most of what she has to say sounds more like a childish giggle. But who? Uh, Kamala Harris. But oh my gosh, man. Now listen, this, she said she doesn't even know the Declaration of Independence.

She said that people have the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I was like, first of all, those are unalienable. Signed it by our creator. Second, 

what happened to life? Yeah. Remember, they're not pro-life, 

right? Yeah. Hmm. Oh, well, it's amazing how many people think that abortion's. Okay? But those people that are screaming abortions are here.

Right? The parents, yeah. Didn't have an abortion. I, I don't understand what makes it right, Stu, but you. Yeah, I, 

I couldn't answer, man. Uh, well, first off, I can't get inside the head of a damn leftist. I mean, I, I, if I even tried to understand a lot of their stances, arguments and policies, you do your mind. I would probably , yeah, I would probably be required a padded room.

Nice little white jacket. . Oh, yeah, because I, I just, I, I don't know. I, I don't, yeah, I think, I think it's a mental illness man. Uh, got a mental illness starting. Well, it's, it's gotta be, man. It's gotta be something like that. . Yeah. Well, 

you know, you have oppression and you have depression, and you have possession.

That's where they are. I mean, I'm serious. I mean, it's all through the Bible. You can find it, but you know, those are all spirits that attack human beings. The spirit of oppression, the spirit of depression, and in the spirit of possession. Yeah. The first two are things that could be dealt with. They're, you know, typically considered outside the body.

Problems, possession, not so much. Yeah. But that's what, that's what we're dealing with, especially with, with this deep states. And you know, the course of Democrats seems to be the party of the deep states, so I, I'm not saying Republicans aren't involved in that, but definitely Democrats. 

Yeah. They're the main purveyor of it.

Mm-hmm. . Yeah. But she sure left out the right to. 

But I guess you can't have any other rights unless you're here already. So I guess that's, Hey, maybe, maybe that was implied in her statement. . 

Well, the lie of omission, man. But, um, I know, remember that one year, one of the last years we did anything for Halloween, I, I didn't, I didn't dress up for nothing.

I just put a coat hanger on my head. Um, 

I don't remember. Dude, I'll be honest with you, me going out on Halloween, I, I know I used to, but I, 

don't remember. Yeah, that's what I was saying. I don't know if you remember, it was the last time I did anything. I think I was like 12, but, or 13. But I, all I did was put a coat hanger on my head and every time somebody opened the door, what are you supposed to be?

I said an abortion . Oh, that's sick. Well, depends on how you look at it, I guess. . But, um, I was trying to find some more on the, uh, on the Federal Reserve stuff. There's actually a lot of information in there, you know what I mean? I did not know really any of it. Yeah. But, um, it, it's amazing how mu how deep we already are into the one thing some people still claim about, um, or gripe about slavery.


Hmm. Yeah. We are sunk in slavery.  and it's insane how, how deeply rooted it is and how far those tentacles of control actually reach. I mean, if you wanna get out from under the monetary slavery, you just about have to give everything up from all God saying so, and, and you got a social security number. You got a birth certifi.

You're hooked. I mean, how do you get out from under that, you know? But basically our country was put into slavery. Like the Africans and the Irish were back before, you know, well actually during the settlement years, I mean, all the way back to when the first settlers came here, slavery was there. But, um, and not just African Americans, but those of you who do not.

There were a lot of white slaves involved there too. And Asian and, yeah, that's right. There was a lot of Asian slaves 

too. Yeah. The Asians down there built the railroad system and they weren't doing it on a wage labor. No, that was strictly 

slavery. An hourly wage. Is that the Asian, Asian and Irish, yeah.

Built the railroad system here. Exactly right. 

And the Irish were kept on as the slaves in the. . Everybody wants to talk about how old the North didn't have slaves. Why? Mm-hmm. ? Cause they were white. You didn't think they could be slaves? Yep. 

Well, the Irish were definitely slaves until, well, was it probably early 18 hundreds?

I guess when 

they passed that it was post industrialization because when the industrialization kicked off, all the blacks were sent to the south to work on the plantations, and the Irish took over the slave market.  or were the slave market, 

right? But the slave market, they're turned into, I guess what you call street gangs.

I mean, you know, like, um, five Points in New York was pretty much run by the Irish and you know, a lot of, I mean a lot of what happened around mid 18 hundreds I guess was pretty much run by.  and they didn't want anything to do with anybody else. I mean, period. But there was this one Irish gang leader who ended up gaining some kind of notice from this one Englishman, and they developed a partnership, which ultimately went South

But uh, and that's really the only way the Irish came up in the United States. And when John O. Kennedy was elected, , that was a wide open, I mean, that was a festive day for the Irish, you know that right? Yeah. Not only was he Irish, he was Catholic. And that was a real big day for, for Irish people. Cause you know, slavery really didn't end for the Irish here in the 18 hundreds, mid 18 hundreds.

It didn't end really until early 19 hundreds. Yeah. So, and I believe.  after the African American slaves were re were freed after the Emancipation Proclamation, right? 

I believe you're right. 

Well, I hope I am. Cause I hadn't read it in a couple weeks, so . But anyway, but the, um, what was I gonna say about the monetary system?

You guys said something earlier that made me wanna hit a topic and, and on. , I can't remember what it was. Cause the connection started getting bad and I got distracted. Ah, it's easy to do. Yeah, I suppose it is. Oh, oh, I remember it was that, uh, one act that was passed in 1908, the Aldridge Breland Act. That was it.

What did I do with it? Oops. I guess I got rid of it, but somehow or another I wanted to tie in the, the Aldridge part that Senator, I guess he was a senator or congressman or something. Did you know that he was actually the grandfather to Woodrow Wilson or grandfather, or his wife's grandfather or something?

His middle name actually came from that politic. Woodrow Aldrich Wilson, and he was part, well, his family was all tied into that, uh, what do they call the International Monetary Fund. And that's why the, the, uh, yes, federal Reserve Act of 1913 came into play, which included the birth certificate and then later it in, uh, the, um, the Social Security card, right?

Social Security adminis. . And from what I understand, Woodrow Wilson didn't realize what he was doing when he, when he passed the Federal Reserve Act until it was too late. And supposedly he tried to, uh, overturn it somehow. Or fight against it. Yeah. And to no avail. It wasn't happening. Yeah. We got ourselves in a quite, quite a pickle.

I do believe. . Yeah. But again, with the admin of this digital currency coming into play, I'm wondering if the government or the shadow government is actually gonna give people a chance to adjust to the digital currency before they start slamming doors in our face. How do you mean? Well, I mean, obviously it's gonna take a little bit of time to get it, you know, completely implemented to where they can, you know,  require us to turn in our little promissory notes we got now.

And I don't know, but I would imagine it would take some getting used to, you know, I mean, we've already got, you know, like, well, with my disability, it's, it's got, I mean, if you're in the military, you pretty much have to have direct deposit. You're not getting paid. 

Right. Well, yeah, but I mean, that's the, the, the thing about it is, is there's not gonna be an acclimation period.

They're just gonna take the money you got. There's not, I mean, it's gonna. What it is, you're just gonna have to adjust. Now they already have this system as being used, uh, in China, and people don't quite equate the, uh, digital currency with the E S G. People don't seem to want to equate the two, but the system is already in place in China.

I mean, in China, they already get cut off from funds. They already. Stuff like that that happens. The government controls every penny they got, even if they earned it. Like they don't have just a Yeah. Really nilly ability to spend on whatever they want. They're, they're controlled in all their purchases.

Yeah. I 

think I heard something about that. Even if you get up, Amount of traffic infraction, they can stop you from spending money or 

yeah, they can. Or whatever. Or they'll find you if you have the wrong thing or you say something against the government, they'll just take it outta your account, right? And they might send a team to come in and boot your door, you know, to arrest you and disappear your 


Yeah, I'd heard something about that. And I see that's one of the things that, that's one of the big things that I don't like about this digital currency, whether it's just plain on digital currency, crypto, or whatever. It's all digital. But you know, ES, especially with the cryptocurrency, is the way to advertise it.

The government has no access to it. If you believe that crap , you better check yourself because the government's behind it all. And yeah, you. . I don't like the idea of the bank cutting off my card every second or third purchase because you know, under the guise of fraudulent spending. How do you know it's fraudulent spending?

You know? So if I go buy a canoe next week so I can get out on the river, then that means somebody tried to steal my money. And how would you know that? You know, because it's not what my usual purchases are. Well, my usual purchases are still getting my card cut off.  and I'm, I don't know about's you, but I'm not real hip to that.

I mean, 

oh no. Well, you're, you're, I don't like the fact that your climate cultus are gonna be, you know, I mean, it's, like I said, it's going into that e sg, the environmental social governance, you know, I mean, you, you drove your car too much. You bought too many gallons of. Now you can't buy any fuel. You know, you try to use your car to buy fuel, it won't let you buy it.

Right. You know, or if you smoke cigarettes, you know, they might have that on a restricted purchase list. Nobody can buy cigarettes. I guess 

y'all need to quit smoking anywhere. It's bad for it. 

But I mean, that's, I, I don't like the fact that somebody else is going to dictate you, lose your freedoms of what you wanna.

or if you're an avid seconding amendment person and you need to, you wanna buy a gun? Oh no. Guns are on the forbidden list. You can't buy a gun. And you can, you can't just pull the cash outta your pocket at that time. You have to use that system of money. That's right. And so you, you won't be able to buy a gun.

Oh, you need bullets. You can't buy bullets because those go in guns. Right. And it, it is going to be, this is a way they can disarm people as. . And if they don't disarm you, they're gonna have it to where you, you can't buy anything to put in the gun, so your gun's gonna be a paperweight. Well, 

they're trying to get rid of our guns.

They're not gonna get rid of their guns and No, no, no, no. And I think that's something that the general public needs to understand, especially the people. You know, I don't own a gun, but I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment. You know what I mean? Yeah. Being a firm believer in the Second Amendment, even though I don't own a gun, what if I decide I wanna go hunting next week?

How am I gonna do that? You know? Yeah, well, I mean, get you a bow and arrow. Well, yeah, I was gonna say, don't let Ted NuGen hear this, , get your knife out. Get your bow and arrow. But, but the thing is the, as an advocate for the second a. I think it, I think it's only fair that I should let anybody who will listen, know and understand that the government taking our guns away doesn't mean they're taking guns away.

They're stockpiling. Yeah. They say your guns put it in their inventory, and all you have to do is look at the news, even mainstream media, and you'll find out just like this incident that happened in California a couple days ago. Uh, 72 year old man walks into a place that just opens up power with an automatic weapon.

Ends up killing 10 people, including himself later. And come to find out, well, a guy was Asian and you know, what's the holiday that they're doing right under the lunar or solar, whatever, holiday. And it was just some dance in a dance club, and he walks in and started shooting, right? It's a good thing they didn't call him a white supremacist, but.

Those types of events right there is what the government uses to make sure that they have a reason for people to agree with the government taking away our guns. Absolutely. But they're not taking guns away. They're just taking your guns. Yeah. And prime example is we don't need a border wall, but the White House does and Joe Biden's house does.

Right.  that way 

he see his house is protected from all the illegals and the crime and all that. Right. That comes into this country that he facilitated. But we are not entitled to the same. Exactly. We're not afforded the same privilege. We just had to deal with it. They get protection 

of it, and so that's where we, the people need to start waking up.

I mean, all across the land and I, I know there's people waking. , but that ain't enough People waking up. And what we need to really be paying attention to is all the freedoms that they're taking away. If they, if they take our freedoms, they're keeping 'em okay for themselves. Yep. Now, if they have all the weapons and they have all the protection, what do you have?

Nothing. I mean, you are, you are at the whi.  of these people who took your guns away saying, we're doing this for your safety. They're your enemy, so you ain't safe. And it, it really does need to be understood. And I don't know any better way to say it, I guess, but well, we, we really need to wake up and start standing for these rights that we have left and, and really I think it's too little, too late myself.

That doesn't mean don't stand up for your rights. I'm just. . This should have been done a long time ago. A long time ago. But yeah, of course. You know, like I told everybody that was around me back at the beginning of the Covid scare when they started talking lockdowns and martial laws. Like if y'all buy into this and if you go along with it, you're giving up your rights is called divide and conquer.

That's exactly what it is. 

Well, don't do. , that was like a probing mission. What they did was they wanna say how far they could go Started pro. Yeah. How, how many people will subject themselves to this illegal dictate. Mm-hmm. , now they know how many people are surfs. Mm-hmm.  of these idiots will do exactly what we say and you know what?

A dollar to a box of donuts. They sit in their damn private offices and they laugh 

at. , you know, they are, their plan is being fulfilled by a lot of useful idiots in the United States. And if you want to know what a useful idiot looks like, if you're still wearing a mask, you're a useful idiot. That simple.

If you believe there's no border crisis, no. You're not even a useful idiot. You're just an idiot. Yep. And every time I walk in the va, and I'm gonna say it until they quit doing it, every time I walk in the VA and they hand me a mask, I get off on that. Are y'all still on the face Panty issue? Come on y'all.

I thought you were doctors. Follow the science. Oh wait, you make an extra paycheck because you don't follow the science. Right. So we keep wearing the face panties. Hmm. It's terrible shame. Cause he looks, yeah, I call it 

a, I call it a freedom muggle. 

I like the, you said that, and I was thinking about, um, Marjorie Taylor Green and when she first got into Congress wearing that black face mask and on the front says censored


And really face masks are not even a good fashion statement. I still see people wearing masks outside even it is, oh. 

I saw a lady in a truck stop the other day wearing a mask and rubber gloves. Seriously? Dead serious. And I was like, um, didn't nothing. I mean, I didn't say nothing. Her, whatever you wanna wear, if you wanna look like that out here in public, go ahead, knock yourself out.

But why? 

Yeah, exactly. And I, I can't get over how many people still wear the mask. They're obviously not doing research for themselves. When, when I, and I'm saying when I have to be the layman where the medical field is concerned, and I inform a doctor that 80% of the people who caught Covid during the Covid scare we're actually wearing the mask.

And they look at me funny, like, what are you talking about? But you're the s. , you know? Mm-hmm. , why am I even telling you this? They know. They know. Just like you know, that doctor, I brought that up to the last time my saw doctor there before my surgery this, she said, well, we just wear the mask for everybody's protection.

I said, but didn't, I just said The mask is worthless, 0.0 0.02% effective according...

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The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
Welcome to The Constitution Commandos!
We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution Commandos is more than just a podcast; it’s a call to arms for every citizen who values the freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that knowledge is power, and through our discussions, we aim to equip our listeners with the knowledge they need to safeguard our democracy.

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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.