G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 S2E7 Spy Balloons; the Border Crisis; Destabalization of the Nation - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 7

Published on:

23rd Feb 2023

S2E7 Spy Balloons; the Border Crisis; Destabalization of the Nation

Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty. And

hey, good morning and everybody, and thank you for hanging out with us today on this. Seventh episode of season two, and it's going fast. Hey, look, my brother's about ready and quite frankly, so am I. So without any further ado, might have is Chris Williams and you're listening to the Constitution Commandos.

I don't know, somebody mentioned it to me or if I saw it on a news clip or something. But, uh, have you heard anything about the, the house proposing a bill with that has to do with anybody in politics?  has any investments or ties with anything to do with, um, communist China will lose their seat in office?

Have you heard anything about that? I've heard something about it, but, uh, well, well, and that might be in the bill. I mean, I think what I heard was they had to, uh, dive, they had to, they couldn't have any ties, period. Subsidiary of China or. Yep. Well, I know Kevin McCarthy had talked at one time about trying to, uh, get a bill pushed through that would prevent China from buying land in America.

Yeah. That needs to go through. There's actually a few states that are pushing that too. Yeah, I've heard that. Yeah. But that definitely needs to stop and I'm, I'm a little bit furious about this, uh, spy balloon that got shot down over the. Not because it made it all the way across the country, but because I found out yesterday or day before yesterday that this has been going on for five years.

Well, we don't know how much of that's accurate. Uh, well, I'd say it's pretty de on close to accurate, considering we let a spy balloon fly from the Pacific Coast all the way over to the Atlantic waters before shooting it down, only because it was called in by a civilian. Now that's. Well, I've got a couple theories on these balloons.

None of 'em are backed up with anything. Uh, my opinion, I mean, all it is my theories. One, first theory I, I. Look, our administration tells us constantly that that was a Chinese spy balloon. Do we know that to be a hundred percent factual? I mean, do we? No, we don't know that to be a hundred percent factual, but we didn't know it was a Chinese balloon.

So that says it's got, I mean, they went over here shooting movies from the sky. Well, no, that's what I'm saying. Do we know that that is factual, that that was a Chinese balloon? Not really. . Okay. Now this is my theory. Nobody was hearing jack's shit about any types of balloons until that first one that went all the way across America, right?

You have to bear with me. I should still, I should still have, uh, communications, but, okay. Now this is my theory. Hear it out. The first balloon came. I think they let it cover the span of the continental US for a couple reasons. Number one was so that the majority of people in this country would be made aware of it.

Okay. Now, when the majority of the country was made aware, then they started pushing this bullshit story. About, oh, it's a Chinese spy balloon. I'm not saying the story is bullshit. It might be alright, but with Joe being bought and paid for by China, that still fits in line with what I'm saying. Alright. We know the deep state is running the political class in America and almost every government around the world.

Yep. Alright. They've already developed a level of anger and outrage from the American public about this balloon. Now what did they do? Nine 11. We couldn't go straight into damn Iraq and invade those seven countries without having the support. I see you keep going with this. Go ahead. Alright, now, now the balloon comes over whether Joe Biden.

Knew about it. We don't know if it's a Chinese balloon other than what our administration is telling us. So they let it fly over to the entire country. So a lot of people could see it and they could develop outrage. Then all of a sudden we got like four or five other balloons. Norra has never in the history of Norad, shot down any aircraft over American soil ever.

Right now we've shot down one in the Atlantic and what, three or four? Yeah. Over the land. Really? That's what I've heard. Come on. Alright. Now I personally believe it's another false flag. Well, it's, yeah, it's setting up to be a false flag. I believe that. Uh, the balloons were released by the country. I believe that the balloons, balloons have been used for many, many decades.

Mm-hmm. , so it's not new, not new technology. I think that the balloons are gonna be a delivery system. I think that the deep state is so hell. On this one world government that what's gonna happen is I think that there's gonna be an E M P delivery from a balloon balloon or some type of other craft similar.

I believe that when that happens, everything in this country in less than tw probably. I would say less than 48 hours. First 24 hours, people are gonna be like, oh, they'll get your power going again. Okay. Less than 48 hours. You're gonna have a complete social breakdown, a societal breakdown like nobody has ever seen in this country.

Yeah. Okay. Now, after that happens, Who are the world police? The un un. Alright. Now, let's say that they do an E M P. They take out

societal norms, breakdown people go batshit crazy, start attacking each other. They call the UN in for support the un, the first thing they're gonna do is go door to door and they're gonna start trying to confiscate people's guns first thing. That is the very first thing they're gonna do. Alright. So they have just knocked out two things at once.

They have destroyed this, the fabric, and plus where we are right now, everybody's so divided. If that shit goes south, I guarantee you the people that truly hate and there are people that truly hate in this country, those people that truly hate are gonna be targeting certain people. We are going to see some very heinous crimes at a very quick pace right off the bat, which is a reason for the open borders

Well, yeah, and I think we got a lot of sales that have been a let in. Uh, what I mean by that, Too many trained derailments we've already seen, uh, in Kissame, Florida. That was when I was down there. That damn plant, plastic pot plant caught on fire burn five acres. I think that they've got seal networks, terror networks that have been let in.

I think they are a, I think they were let in, not. They came in over the border and we don't know, I think they were probably guided in, I think they probably had points of contact inside the continental us. I believe that they probably received marching orders. I believe the government was probably in contact with 'em or people in the government, and I believe that they had detailed plans on things to it to hit.

Well, that makes sense because Senator Hyde Smith and Senator, um, uh, what's her name from Alabama. The three, uh, not Senator, I'm sorry, the representatives, the three women representatives that are working on this bill That'll. Do something about the border. Anyway, when they went down to visit the border, they specifically talked about how the cartel was keeping our border patrol tied up.

Yeah. So when, when they get the board, they got the cartels, got people stationed all along the border, watched. When, when the, when the, uh, border patrol is tied up and then their office is doing paperwork, they start sending groups. Yep. So that would, that would make sense cuz they could, they're not even got aways.

They're just not even seen Well, which falls into, got away class. But yeah. And, and, but that would, that would fall in line with what you're talking about with the cells here in America because uh, those are the people that don't want caught, they have specific orders when they get here, what to do at certain times.

Yeah. But I, I. I, I believe it's coordinated everything off of the border. I believe these balloons, I believe these most recent incidents, uh, you know, all these chemical leaks and ship fires, I believe all of this stuff is coordinated. Those are distractions.

They are and they're not. The distraction part is because I think there's a lot of political shit that's going on around Biden. I think they're scampering trying to cover up certain actions like Ukraine and sending money over there. But I think that. Even that political stuff, to be perfectly honest with you, it serves a purpose.

One of the purposes, I mean, world Economic Forum has said it a million million times since they've said it once. Russia and America stand in the way of their objective now, early 19 hundreds. Okay, now think about it. Russia and America are the two nations that stand in their way, right. America is run by the city of London and the deep state.

Right. Okay, well, we're going to keep sending money arms talking Ukraine out of doing peace deals, and we're escalating that war constantly. Well, the war isn't really as much between Ukraine and Russia. It's between America and Russia. America is just using Ukraine. I mean, they've already said they'll, they'll support 'em as long as it takes.

Well, what that translates to is until the last breath is taken out of the Ukrainian people, until they're all slaughtered and dead. Okay. Which is ultimately what's gonna happen. Cuz Russia's not gonna lose that war. But it's, it's, it's going to put us escalate against Russia. Yeah. It's gonna put us against Russia.

Everything has been done as an escalation. Putin said just this week, I think maybe at the end of last week, that if the West sends like F sixteens or any fighter jets, that is the final line in the sand. Yep. That's it. And Putin's gonna stick to that too. He really doesn't have a choice. No. He's being doted into this wall.

Yep. I mean, so, and this is the war that would bring Russia and America. Arms at each other, but we don't have anything to pipe with. Anyway. No, we've already sent it all over there and we've abandoned all of it in the Middle East. But see, I think both things are want, you know, what appears to be tragic events or bad mishaps are obviously distractions, but what they're distracting the people from people are still aware of.

I think the irresponsible and the prouse hemorrhaging of money in Ukraine. The purpose of that one is to deplete our military and to destroy our dollar. Where did he get the 500 million to give him? Where did he get the 90 or over a hundred billion that we've already given them 198 billion. So the money has been printed out of thin.

Yep. Okay. That, that, that the money isn't backed by anything. So the money is no good, but it's just putting us more in debt. Okay? So if you think about how to destroy America, one, you've already divided the people. Two, you have to destroy the economy. Okay? You have to, well, that's being done now. That's. I think a lot of this Ukraine thing is by design, you know, destroying the economy.

I think the open borders is by design to allow certain people in here that intend to do harm in this country. Well, that that is true, but that that's already being done just. Letting all these people then to destroy the very identity of this country. Well, well that, but it, it's a, it's a destabilizing tactic, right?

Uh, what they do is they're gonna create chaos in places that typically do not have chaos. Your blue cities are already violence ridden. Crime ridden, right. You look in your conservative areas. Sure. There's crime. Most people are fine letting their kids play outside or go to their store by the, you know, send Mama to the store.

You understand what I'm saying? Yep. It's still relatively safe America. Well, if you look at the things that have happened, you've got trained developments all over the freaking country. You've got the derailment in Ohio. That's a conservative place you got. Plant down in Kissimee Florida. Very conservative place.

Conservative place. You got the tanker that, uh, wrecked and spilled out in Texas. Could a heard about that place? Yep. You have all of these things happening in areas that are generally classified as a stable area. Well, but they're doing that to destabilize what is known as stable. And what happens when you destabilize is no different than the brown shirts.

What they did was they instilled fear. It's just like January six guys that are sitting in jail. Mm-hmm.  for two freaking years over what, maybe misdemeanor trespassing at the most. At the most with that? Well, maybe some vandalizing, I'm sure there were people there. Well, I'm saying that there penalized people still sitting in jail right now in what you call the gulags of dc That'd never even entered the White House.

They were just there. Yeah. Some of 'em weren't even there. . Yeah. But, uh, but okay, so that was a message to other people. The message is, do you think you want to come together in masses and express your opinion against the state? We're gonna lock your ass. . So what it does is it discourages a lot of people from large gatherings to protests.

All right? That's a sense of destabilization. The same thing is going on with all these mishaps around the country and these relatively conservative areas. You have people that have lived in communities for years and years and years with a certain level and expectation of security and safety, and so, Now they are starting to acquire a sense of tragedy and a sense mass tragedy.

Okay. The destabilization part is a psyop in the sense of, you know, you control people through fear, right? Once you start to inject fear into a once stable population, you will see these people deteriorate as a society, the citizenship of that society. You will start seeing people turn on each other, you will start seeing other things happen, and a lot of times it's based on fear, which drives to desperation, which leads to some type of a criminal act.

The destabilization of the country is very important. I think that's the purpose of the southern border. Yeah. More than it is because I mean, realistically, I mean, and no shit. Realistically, we could gather every motherfucker up in this country that ain't got a green guard, that has not been naturalized.

We could, we could. Most they might saying millions of 'em should have been deported, already ordered by judges, but they hadn't been deported. Yeah, but it could be done. It could be done, yeah. Okay. So the altering of the society, I mean, that is also a, a plan that's part of that one world government shit, no borders.

But, uh, part of that is yes, to break the identity down, but they understand the constitution is the greatest defense that. In that constitution, we got the freedom of speech, hence January 6th. The incarceration of all those people discouraged people. Then we got the second amendment, the right to bear arms.

The right to bear Arms is one of the biggest things that they've gotta be able to get rid of in order to take our country now. Well, they have the stabilization, they just removes our defense. That just removes any type of defense this country has against anything. Like what we're pacing. Yeah, because I mean, If you were to say, okay, our volunteer military, what do we got about a million people in it, roughly.

Roughly, yeah. They haven't been million. Completely out. Yeah, but I'm just saying, yeah, and it's probably under a million right now, but I'm saying between all the branches, we got roughly a million volunteer servicemen. Alright. If you look at it on the world stage, that's relatively, I mean, it's a good size of military.

There are militaries that are way bigger. , namely China's, right? Okay. Now you have to take into consideration with the Second Amendment, it's no different than what the general told the emperor In Japan, you do not wanna invade America. There's a gun behind every blade of grass now. Now you take the active duty.

The inactive and the reserves. We're gonna say a million.

Then you take, what, 180 million in the country? At least you're talking, you're talking just veterans, right? Because I mean there's no, I'm talking, well, I mean at a 300 let's, we're gonna still say 320 million because Sure. There's more than that in this country, but they ain't legal. Okay. Let's say out of 320 million, I would say we probably have, what, 180 to maybe 220 million people that are honest to God, law abiding weapons owners.

Yep. Got 400 million. There's 400 million weapons in this country, legally owned. There's over a billion round Uhhuh . But you're just, you're just talking about one weapon per individual. I mean, dude, in the military, we carry more than one weapon to eat, but I mean, yeah, but dude, I don't know anybody that's got one gun.

I don't know. I don't know anybody's got one. If they got, I know this guy a gun, they got like 30. Yeah, I mean it's like Internet's got two step verification. It ain't two step verification. It one, everybody that owns a gun has a verification that first gun's gonna work, and if it doesn't, I got backup

Yeah. So, and, and not just that, I mean, the people that I know, if their neighbors ain't. They can come to my house and get one. You know what I mean? , that's, that's the way I see. Yep. Yeah. That's just America. Yep. So if you take our existing military, roughly a million strong, give or take, then you take 1 75 to two and a quarter million.

We have the largest standing army on the planet. Yep. And this is the thing also. A lot of countries fail to understand about America. It has very little to do with tactical training from the military. Out of all the nations in this world, America is really one of the few that has the mass population able to purchase own firearms.

The UK can own a firearm, but they've got a process they gotta go through. Typically, it's just a shotgun and it's for hunting. So you don't have shit load, can't own guns. I mean they're, but see, this is what people fail to understand about a the American gun owner. Nine outta 10 American gun owners, and I'm pulling this number outta my ass because I would say nine outta 10 redneck motherfuckers that I know

I, I'm, I'm just, I'm saying nine outta 10. I know how many rednecks, I know what shit load. And not all of 'em are rednecks. A lot of 'em are businessmen that I know. Yep. You know, a lot of 'em are administrators of hospitals and shit, but these motherfucker. They spent so much time at the Deer camp. These motherfuckers are duck hunting, deer hunting, hog hunting.

They hunt everything. Alright? Yeah. Now and if they can shoot a small target, you can bitch your ass. They can shoot you . Well, not just that, not just that. These motherfuckers will spend more money than I make in a year for shit that will make them disappear in the woods and it'll take their scent. All right.

Yeah. Now people need to remember History America, the oldest fighting unit in this country, an organized unit, which back then it was, and it wasn't organized, but it came out of the militia and it was the US Army Rangers. Yep. The US Army Rangers, that was where they were born out of. Yep. Okay. Was the militia the militia, the original Gorilla Warfare?

That's right. We wrote the book on it. Now, we didn't write the book on it because George Washington sat some motherfuckers down around the campfire and said, this is the tactic that we're working on. No, we learned it as they went. He got a bunch of fucking people that was out there popping squirrels and possums and raccoons.

Yep. And they implemented their bushcraft. Now we've had 250 roughly years. Mm-hmm.  to improve that. Oh yeah. And it...

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The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
Welcome to The Constitution Commandos!
We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.