G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 The Puppets of Politics Reach the End of Their Ropes - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 11

Published on:

31st Oct 2022

The Puppets of Politics Reach the End of Their Ropes

Thank you for hanging out with us today. Just a quick reminder before we get started. You want to find out about all the lady's news and updates, and you can have each episode in a mailbox as soon as they're released. Just go to the constitution commandos.org. Sign in. My name is Chris, calling my brother Patrick right now. And you're listening to the Constitution Commanders.


The Puppets of Politics Reaching the End of Their Rope 

Our Cute Political Puppets

Have you heard anything about Biden lately? Uh, I've heard a few things about it. Like we're in the last 24 to 48 hours. Nah, I hadn't heard anything about him then. Cause I know he was supposed to go to that G 20 summit, uh, the day before yesterday, I think. And he flew over there and then didn't go to the meeting.

Yeah,, I heard about that. Yeah. That was, uh, last week.

Yeah. Uh, it was said he had covid, but um, I think that was a stretch. Oh, yeah. I'm sure it was. I'm sure they're trying to keep him outta a position where he has to address other world leaders, and so the White House doesn't have to spend any more taxpayer money walking his statements back. Well, they should have just saved him money and not let him go to the G20.

Because I mean, if you wanna prevent an embarrassing moment, just don't send the embarrassment to the location. That's one way to solve the problem. I mean, hell, how much money we would've saved two days on a flight going to the Philippines and it looked like old Justin Trudeau just realized where he was with the old president.

The Canadian Puppet

Yeah, I heard it got put in his place. What happened next? Oh, he's sitting there kissing ass and President X basically just wrote him off.

I, I just, I mean it, it was funny, but yeah, most world leaders probably just don't care much for a brown noser. Well, it's not even that president. She as well as a few other world leaders. , they recognize who the puppets are for the World Economic Forum and The Committee of 300 and all of these people, they know who the dang puppets are and they don't respect them.

2 Presidents + 2 Doppelgangers = 2 Spineless Puppets (Exe: Common Core} 

They have no backbone. They're, that's just it. They're puppet, they're puppets. Yeah. They do what the puppet masters tell 'em to do. So as far as those leaders are concerned, why the hell am I talking to you? You don't even make the decisions. You know what I mean? Right.  you out the into somebody else's string.

Yeah. I mean, why don't you go get your boss and let me talk to him, you know what I mean? , why in the world am I gonna talk to LeBron James about the business dealings of Nike? I'm gonna talk to whoever is on the board Nike. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. Yep. Um, yeah. Oh, Trudeau. I'll see.

It's about time for him to go too, isn't it? He got reelected. I mean, if that's what we want to call it. Uh, but they have a crazy electoral system. Uh, I don't quite understand all the parliamentary se, uh, rules that they have and their election proceedings. I'm not quite sure how all that works. I do know that the people of Canada were not happy about the, you know, the results.

Yeah. There's no different than Bolsonaro in. Allegedly the Brazilian army has stepped in and prevented the transfer of power in Brazil. Um, yeah, I think I heard something about that. Yeah. Well, they got 3 million people in the streets down there right now that are protesting the election, and the military actually stepped in and released a statement saying that they saw, and the court down there, the Supreme Court, there, there was ample evidence of, uh, fraud and cheating in that.

and that's why the military actually stood in or stepped in. They're trying to work out the balance of power now, but they, they have proven, they, they provided evidence to support the stuff. Do you know what I mean? Right. Just like in our country, there would've been a lot of evidence provided. Or acknowledged if the courts would've even looked at it, right, if the courts would've even acknowledged to look at it.

But you can't expect these damn cowards and address the court system to look at anything that goes against the status quo or, you know, that actually his, you know, that supports we, the people, you know. I mean, it's no different than what happened in Arizona, man. Say Arizona hadn't learned yet. Yeah, but you're gonna talk about 48% of the damn machines, mostly in Republican areas had malfunctions.

Really? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I believe Katie Hobbs won that. By the time those monkeys fly outta my ass. , I mean, . Well, you remember we are the, uh, well, the Republicans are the election deniers, remember? Oh, oh, absolutely. Unless it's 2016 in 2017, and then the Democrats are election deniers. Absolutely. That didn't happen.

That didn't ever happen. They didn't, they didn't ever, that's right. Not accept the win or victory of President Trump. No, that didn't ever. I mean, shit, they held two impeachments throughout his term. I don't believe in 2012, the Democrats had to have the filibuster too. Remember what happened when Trump got a little Oh, oh, yeah.

They were ready to get rid of it. Man, I mean, it, it, it's amazing to me the hypocrisy, but don't believe you're lying eyes. Don't believe you're lying ears. But we didn't say that. You just thought we said that. , uh, you said it and we got video evidence. Oh, that video's wrong. No, it, it ain't wrong. It was probably tampered with.

Yeah. We're not, we're not stupid . I mean, and that's what they want us to believe is they want us to doubt our sanity. Oh, maybe I didn't see what I saw. Maybe I didn't hear what I heard. No, you heard it. The glitch and the matrix is, but they just think we're stupid. Well, they could be right about one thing.

I can't hear probably outta my left eye.

But, oh well, , we won't tell anybody, will we? ? No. I got corrective hearing devices for that. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what I mean, I, I, I just think that, you know, I thought 22 was gonna be, why don't I mixed on my feelings about it? Cause I don't wanna see anybody take to the streets. Utilize violence. I don't, I don't wanna see that.

I don't wanna see any ill will to anyone, you know. I mean That's right. Except for perpetrators of the guilty parties, you know, guilty parties. Right. Those are the only ones that I want to see suffer any ill will, and I don't want it to be at the hands of, you know, a lynch mob per se. I want it to be by a legitimate justice system.

Yeah. That enforces the. A legitimate justice system, where are we gonna find one of those? Yeah. Well, and I understand, but you know, and up until the midterms I was sitting there thinking, you know, that's probably going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back because there are so many people. I mean, even as a truck driver, I don't care where I am, I don't hear anybody happy with the way our country's going right now.

I haven't heard from one person. Make a comment of support for this current administration. I just haven't, I mean, well, sure social, don't think anybody has Well, social media. Well, yeah, but I mean, on social media I'll see people that do, but it's like they're just dishonest. I think they're trolling people.

Yeah. Cause either that or the bots. Well, yeah, so, but I mean, I'm talking actual physical living, breathing people that I. Are not happy with this and yeah,

I'm, I'm, I'm not quite sure if 2022 is, you know, I understand we're all playing a role on the stage in a theater of life, you know? I understand that. They give us what they want us to see. They can gear us and direct us in certain directions. But you know when you go back and you think of the prospects of the idea of devolution or the continuity of government, you know, people were fed up about the 2020 elections, me and you.

Regular average person, brain, and processes and logic. We're thinking that 2022 because we had so many people fed up, would take action and stop it, you know, prevent it. Well, I think that probably would've happened. You gotta remember what happened between 2020 and 2022. There was a lot of migration from pla, especially from New York and California.

I mean, a lot of people left there. Oh yeah. In Illinois. Yeah, I, I have a feeling that was a, a majority of the Republican votes that it could have come out of those places they moved out, which I think is why Florida had such a great turnout in, in, you know, in their gubernatorial election and their Senate election.

I mean, it was, well, really astounding how that turned out, but I, I think that's right. Uh, but even if that was the main attribute to. The outcome of the election. I, I don't know how much of those elections were actually tampered with. I know Pennsylvania, obviously, Pennsylvania tampered. Yeah, but I mean, when you're talking about New York, you look at Lee Eldon racing against Kathy Hoel.

Okay. The margin of victory for Hoel was so small. Yeah. And that is blue. It ain't purple. You know, no, that's not the state of New York is red. Mm-hmm. , but, uh, New York City populated. Yeah. So, but remember, most of the people that migrated outta New York came out New York City. So, yeah. And there were a fair amount that left from, you know, other areas because they're tired of being governed by these damn blue democrats.

When you still take the migration into a fair, I mean, into account, and then you look at the narrow margin of victory by the Democrats, that tells me that a lot of Democrats are displeased. Well, it's still kind of, that makes it even more questionable if you ask me because of the simple fact that, I mean, , there can't be that many Democrats in New York.

I mean, I mean, I know there, there are a lot of Democrats in New York City and maybe the bigger cities, but it's New York City just been having the problems, the crime rates through the roof. They're letting criminals out on the street. They're, um, I mean, they don't have any police. The cops have all, I mean, the ones that are left in the forest are probably looking for other jobs.

They just haven't found one. Or there were new hires that are actually very much so of the Snowflake brand, and they're a hundred percent for the policies that are being enacted. Yeah, I don't know if I buy that yet, but I mean, the, the recruiting's been down in New York. They haven't been able to hire cops up there.

Yeah, but I'm, I'm just saying that it's no difference in the way they purged the military. Yeah. I mean, they're looking for people that are sympathetic to the cause and the cause is anti-American and, you know, just, it, it's anything is anti-American. So the people that have stayed on the force or the few that may have been recruited, I have a feeling are very supportive of that agenda.

I find it. Well, I mean, that's, that's probably true, but I still find it hard to imagine that that would be the case. As far as law enforcement goes, to be honest, I, really can't even see the bad cops staying on duty. I mean, because, I mean, look how dangerous it's getting for 'em. Well, I know, but I mean, if they stick true to this blue agenda, then what they can do is they can turn around.

They don't have to respond to calls, they don't have to do. , they know it's dangerous. Well, hell, now they just collect the damn paycheck. Don't have to do anything. It's sitting in the cop shop then. Cause there's too many criminals out on the streets that just don't like the look of cops. Yeah. Well, you know, I, I think that I'm, I'm really wondering how much of 2022 is maybe part of the picture that we are not being, you know, shown or talked about or.

Out loud. Do you know what I mean? In a way, everything seems like it's a sting operation to me. And the reason I say that, like Pennsylvania, man, they just had somebody, a Democratic official that just got arrested and I can't remember how many years they're getting ready to spend. They're convicted of voter fraud.

Hey, well, I mean this is just, you know, they got betterman. I mean, and then you got these CEOs like, what's his? Oh yeah. Well, but then I'm talking about, uh, they got these other people of large businesses to look at Brinkman, fried of FTX, you know, that's the son of a bitch right there. All he was doing was laundering billions and billions of dollars.

Yeah. That meant several people, people in Ukraine, it was coming back here. Well, what did they. They just put it right back into Democrat coffers. I mean, he donated over 50 million to the Democrats for the 2022 midterms. Okay, well, well, wait a minute. Wasn't that supposed to be, um, didn't, uh, Trump enact action law that was supposed to prevent that?

Well, yeah. Yeah, but, well, okay. Once again, these are things that are being shown to the public. Yep. Okay. And then there was another. She had some type of, uh, what was her thing, but she just got 11 years and the prosecutor was pushing for 15 and what was it she was convicted of? But I'm saying you're seeing a lot of people that are big wigs post midterms are starting to fall.

Okay? We're starting to be, this is gonna happen, be prosecuted and convicted. Well, this is the point that I'm making. It's a trickle effect so people can accept it. People would choke on this shit if it all just came out in the fluid. Oh, yeah. So they're gonna, they're gonna give it to us a little here, a little there.

Every one of these people, if you were to trace 'em, they all have ties. They got a very small inner circle. So we're starting to watch a number of bricks, crum. The question is, was 2022. Come on. Now. Everybody knew there was gonna be some Tom Foolery. Oh yeah. Could it have been, well, could it have been so that we can actually get more evidence on more of the guilty parties now?

And granted, I'm spitballing, this is hundred hundred percent speculation, but who in the right? Would believe that Katie Hobbs did not have a conflict of interest. As the Secretary of State running for Governor of Arizona, she's overseeing the elections. That's right. Do people really believe, honestly, I don't care what you tell me in your heart, do people really believe that there was a non-conflict of?

and then she was a hundred percent non-biased. I don't, I don't know anybody that would say that was legitimate, just that alone. Well, the same thing with Whitmer up in, uh, Michigan. I mean, yeah, she's the acting governor and was it the, um, secretary of State, whoever it is over there is one of her people.

So, I mean, I mean, that's a, that's almost like a gimme right there. She's gonna get governor no matter what. Yeah, so well, okay. Well think about it. Okay. The crime didn't happen before the elections. No, it happened, right? Right. I mean, we already have people testifying that between seven and 10 days after election day in Arizona, in Maricopa County, this woman is testifying because she worked.

Right at the ballot counting place she worked there? Yep. Okay. She witnessed between day seven and day 10 after the election or after election day that she witnessed on one of those days around 90,000 ballots get dumped. Yep. But she said every day for 10 days after the election, it was somewhere between.

15,000 and 90,000 ballots being dumped. Right? Where the hell did these elections? I mean, where did these come from? You know? So now there, it seems like they're accumulating and gathering more evidence against people that are, I mean, obviously perpetrators of fraud. Oh, I was gonna say, I. I, I'm, I'm curious if this is all like a sting operation.

If this is all, let, here's a little more ra rote. Go on and hang yourself. Well, you remember when Trump was out on doing all of his rallies and helping these people that he was endorsing campaign? He said it. Uh, I, I believe Dick Morris said it. Uh, Dr. Gorka. They're, they got people at all of these places observing.

I mean, they're planting people everywhere, so surely they just gave them a rope. I mean, that's the only thing I could figure out.

Yeah. I, I just, now you heard about, um, you heard what was going on at Twitter, didn't you? About. Well, apparently it was about, I think they said 11,000 people resigned. Oh, yeah. And they were all in tears pulling away from the facility while they were leaving in their Teslas. Yeah.

Oh yeah. But, but Trump has, Pulled back onto, uh, Twitter. Now, captain Griffin's back on Twitter. There's, there's a lot of people back on Twitter, but he doesn't have the workforce anymore, but that's okay. Cause Well, he's got Twitter known, but he's, huh? Well, he's got the workforce. It's just that it was top-heavy.

They, I mean, You look at all of these corporations that are already announcing major layoffs, Amazon, FedEx, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook. Yeah. I mean, all of these corporations, these are mega billion, the largest businesses in the world, and they're already saying that they're having to clean house. I mean, I can't, I can't even it.

It's impressive numbers that they're all getting rid of. Well, it's not, I mean, there's an impede, impending. Crash is looming, and all of these businessmen know it's coming. They have to be proactive. They can't be reactive. If they're reactive on a collapse of the financial system, they go out of business.

So they gotta act before it hits so they can keep trying to maintain a level in the black. And well, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already because for what the first two quarters of this year have been worse. First two quarters were like the last, what, 30, 40 years now? I mean, the stock market's been bad lately.

And I guess you saw where the, there was cryptocurrency money that went under, didn't you? Uh, yeah. That was fts. Yeah, that's the one where, Brinkman Fried. That's right. Yeah. He's the one that, and he's under investigation right now, but um, yeah, they're saying that's the best Ponzi scheme since Bernie Madoff.

That's right. Yep. And I mean, I'm sure he's going to go down, but I'm sure they're gonna have to let him walk free for a while. Now, granted, he's hiding out in The Bahamas, but. And he paid The Bahamas a few billion dollars. And I'm sure that was for protection to slow down any extradition orders that might come.

But yeah, he in a world of trouble. Yeah, but he's in a world of trouble. Oh, he's broke already. Uh, the people that actually represented Nortel, Enron, all of these people, the guy. Structured their bankruptcies. Mm-hmm. , he was gonna do this for ftx. He got in over there, released a statement saying that this was the worst run corporation that he has ever seen, more than Nortel or Enron.

He said it was horrible. And then he just released another statement saying he cannot represent FTX because. Extenuating things. Well, I've got a feeling what those extenuating things are is that Brinkman Floyd, I mean, freed is broke and can't afford to pay the guy. Well, they, as they say, he...

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The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
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We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution Commandos is more than just a podcast; it’s a call to arms for every citizen who values the freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that knowledge is power, and through our discussions, we aim to equip our listeners with the knowledge they need to safeguard our democracy.

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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.