G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 Casual Chatter - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 34

Published on:

2nd Nov 2023

Casual Chatter

The Constitution Commandos

[00:00] I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.


Good morning, fellow patriots!

Welcome to34 of 2. Today we strike up a conversation about Casual Chatter.

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My name is Chris Williams and I am your host. My brother Patrick Williams is the cohost and we are The Constitution Commandos .

Joe O'Neal

Commando Crow:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Commando Crow:

Good morning fellow Americans.

Commando Crow:

What a privilege it is to live in the only country in the world where we can still breathe the fresh air of liberty.

Commando Crow:

And welcome to episode 34.

Commando Crow:

And we have a guest host.

Commando Crow:

Joe O'Neill joins us today for a little casual chatter.

Commando Crow:

Hey, we want to hear from you too.

Commando Crow:

So send us an email at podcast@theconstitutioncommandos.org at the constitution commandos.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I'm your host, Chris Williams and my brother, Patrick Williams is co host.

Commando Crow:

We are the constitution commandos.

Commando Crow:

All right.

Commando Crow:

I think we're all just closed down schools all together.

Commando Crow:

You think we can get away with it?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Man, that better not be a paid parking spot.

Commando Joe:

I don't know, man.

Commando Joe:

I'm hoping Trump gets in there this time that he starts cleaning house.

Commando Joe:

These damn doing away with these departments and things, you know

Commando Crow:

oh yeah, he's, I'm glad somebody, I forget who it was, the House of Representatives said that we need to do away with the Department of Education.

Commando Crow:

I could not agree more.

Commando Crow:

Where's the bill?

Commando Crow:

I want to sign it.

Commando Joe:

Yeah, and just not the federal government.

Commando Joe:

Oh, you happen to be listening.

Commando Joe:

Have you seen how many state agencies we have?

Commando Joe:

It's unreal.

Commando Crow:

The ones you showed me, I was like, Well, there's all these people, this money's going to, is that really a department there?

Commando Crow:

Or is it just, you know what I'm saying?

Commando Crow:

It's like all these people are getting money, but I didn't even know those departments exist.

Commando Crow:

I'm still not sure they do.

Commando Crow:

They just got a name.

Commando Joe:

What the hell are they doing?

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Well, I mean, they're taking money away from the Mississippians, of course.

Commando Crow:

But you know, I told, well, when man Patrick first moved to Austin, of course, back then nobody in Austin was from Austin.

Commando Crow:

I mean, I met two people that were from Austin.

Commando Crow:

One of them was a girl I was dating.

Commando Crow:

The other one was the dangerous toy lead singer.

Commando Crow:

What's his name?

Commando Crow:

Jason McMasters.

Commando Crow:

Those are the only two people I met from Austin, Texas.

Commando Crow:

Everybody else was a transplant or a college student, including us.

Commando Crow:

But everybody would ask, where are you from?

Commando Crow:

East of here.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Close enough.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Not so much.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I mean, you know what I mean?

Commando Crow:

I wouldn't tell people where I was from mainly because when we left here, I mean, you gotta understand these were troubled times, but me and Patrick had 11 between us.

Commando Crow:

That wasn't a gas tank on Highway 18, we were done.

Commando Crow:

We didn't have any more money coming in, we didn't have any job when we got there.

Commando Crow:

It was just done.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Do you know how hard it is to park a semi when you gotta take a piss?

Commando Crow:

I do indeed.

Commando Crow:

Sure do.

Commando Crow:

But but when when we got outside of Texas, I mean outside of Louisiana into Texas, and we're going, I think we actually hit 79 south.

Commando Crow:

No, we were, we were still going through Tyler, TX.

Commando Crow:

We had a blowout.

Commando Crow:

There ain't nothing around.

Commando Crow:

I mean, it's farmland through there, right?

Commando Crow:

So Patrick and I, I guess, foolishly or ignorantly, we're only looking for somebody to help us get to the gas station and then we'll place, fix the tire.

Commando Crow:

And this guy opens his door with a shotgun.

Commando Crow:

What do you want?

Commando Crow:

You tell him, but the guy, I mean, we told him what was going on and he asked what car we got.

Commando Crow:

We told him he didn't even walk out the road.

Commando Crow:

He said, you boys stay right here.

Commando Crow:

He disappeared around the corner of the house, come back with a tire on a rim.

Commando Crow:

That ought to work.

Commando Crow:

Well, we'll give you that.

Commando Crow:

No, just take that with you.

Commando Crow:

And we were thinking he's just trying to get rid of it, but it was, no, just take it with you.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

No worries.

Commando Crow:

We'll get back on the road and on 79 South.

Commando Crow:

I mean, this pretty wide highway, right?

Commando Crow:

Cars pass by, wave, and I'm like, y'all know them?

Commando Crow:

Oh no, that's just what they do in Texas.

Commando Crow:

And I'm like, and they call us the hospitality state?

Commando Crow:

I mean, cars go in the same direction and a car move over on the shoulder.

Commando Crow:

My first question was, they need help.

Commando Crow:

They broke down.

Commando Crow:

Oh no.

Commando Crow:

They just moved out of our way so we could pass it.

Commando Crow:

We were going fast.

Commando Crow:

What the hell's wrong with these people?

Commando Crow:

Sure enough.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: It ain't like that no more.

Commando Crow:

Well, I know back then when I was like that and people would ask me where I'm from.

Commando Crow:

Knowing that we call ourselves a hospitality state, I'm like, I'm used to here.

Commando Crow:

I'm not telling you where I'm from.

Commando Crow:

And after I've been there for a few months and riding, you know, it was cool about city transit in Austin.

Commando Crow:

You can get on that motherfucker, you don't have to get off.

Commando Crow:

Just ride tour the city, right?

Commando Crow:

And coming back up north of Lamar, I had been talking to the bus driver, I know, since we left southeast Austin.

Commando Crow:

And finally he asked me where I was from, and I told him East of here.

Commando Crow:

He said, no seriously man, where are you from?

Commando Crow:

And the black bus driver, right?

Commando Crow:

I said, Mississippi.

Commando Crow:

He locked up the brakes over the door.

Commando Crow:

Get off my bus.

Commando Crow:

I saw Mississippi burning.

Commando Crow:

I was like, shit, people still look at us that way?

Commando Crow:

You know?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I was like, you saw a lie.

Commando Crow:

That's all that was.

Commando Crow:

Damn Hollywood.

Commando Crow:

Well, you know, I mean, but I just didn't want anybody knowing I was from Mississippi.

Commando Crow:

Because this is not what I would call the hospitality.

Commando Crow:

Well, of course, now I do live in, you know, I live on the line of Jafghanistan and North Jafrica.

Commando Crow:

So this place right here is probably the worst in the state, but I mean, you can go to so many small towns.

Commando Crow:

I mean, like, wait, how about scuba?

Commando Crow:

Mississippi, everybody in there.

Commando Crow:

Isaquena County where you got hot coffee and I mean the little farming towns, those small villages really, because there's probably like a hundred people there, but when you go there you better

Commando Crow:

get used to slowing down a little bit and eating cornbread and drinking iced tea, but I mean that's, yeah, they ain't got the Mayberry effect there, but here.

Commando Crow:

This is a whole different world.

Commando Crow:

This place is brutal.

Commando Joe:

Yeah, it's like downtown Fallujah.

Commando Joe:


Commando Joe:

All American Commando: this is one nasty ghetto ass fucking truck stop right here, man.

Commando Crow:

You must have made it to Indianapolis.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Man, this is, look at this shit, man.

Commando Crow:

What a nasty...

Commando Crow:

Fuckin ass

Commando Crow:

motherfuckers in the twilight zone.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I probably went into little Jackson.

Commando Crow:

I know they better not try to get in the cab with me.

Commando Crow:

I got my favorite knives.

Commando Crow:

Don't know.

Commando Crow:

They don't, they don't throw tires away down here.

Commando Crow:

They hold them.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All American Commando: got them back there.

Commando Crow:

That's for sure, man.

Commando Crow:

Oh, this place right here.

Commando Crow:

Got a little Jackson.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Hey man, do you think White Castle will do like Crystal?

Commando Crow:

If I order a bag of little burgers, they'll still put the fucking onions on them.

Commando Crow:

I don't even remember if White Castle, White Castle put onions on this.

Commando Joe:

I think you get two pebbles, don't you?

Commando Joe:

All American Commando: Yeah, two pickles, mustard, and ketchup.

Commando Joe:

I think, I mean, it's been a while since I ate there, but to tell you the truth, I actually like White Castle better than I like Christmas.

Commando Joe:

As a actually used to take care of their employees pretty good.

Commando Joe:

That's a badass place to work if you can get

Commando Joe:


Commando Joe:

Well, there's one right across the road.

Commando Joe:

I can get there, but I ain't trying to work.

Commando Joe:


Commando Joe:

already working, aren't

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I mean, you're working two jobs at the same time.

Commando Crow:

You really need another

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: one?

Commando Crow:

You're living the American dream.

Commando Crow:

That's it.

Commando Crow:

That's it, man.

Commando Crow:

That's it.

Commando Crow:

You ain't gonna hear me bellyache, man.

Commando Crow:

You ain't gonna hear me bellyache at all.

Commando Crow:

I've been a worker my whole life.

Commando Crow:

I ain't, I probably ain't gonna stop till I'm in the ground for six months.

Commando Crow:

Well, I know I ain't gonna decompose before then all these fucking preservatives we eat.

Commando Crow:

Oh, well,

Commando Crow:

yeah, yeah, probably.

Commando Crow:

You probably get to learn a little bit from the roots before you do.

Commando Crow:

I mean, decom, decompose.

Commando Crow:

Bury me with my flag.

Commando Crow:

I'll be happy.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All American Commando: And a bag of cigarettes.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

There you go.

Commando Crow:

You want that bottle of tequila too?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

Well, I don't know if a bottle of tequila will fit in a yarn because I've got a feeling that's what the VA does for you.

Commando Crow:

The worm will.

Commando Crow:

The what?

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I'm saying . Yeah, but I'm saying I guess if I get me a little bitty bottle, it cater to like a travel size bottle.

Commando Crow:

Fucking, I don't think they put the worm in those.

Commando Crow:

They might,

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I don't know if you can get travel size Mescow , but I got, I got a buddy and El Paso that can get it for me if they do.

Commando Crow:

Hell yeah.

Commando Crow:

It'll be three quarters worm.

Commando Crow:

It'll be one quarter.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I do like me some Mescow though.

Commando Crow:

I'm gonna have to call Old Diaz up.

Commando Crow:

Old Sergeant Diaz Did Joe, this guy, man.

Commando Crow:

He, he was a PA before he went in the military.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

But I went through, got my E M T school and all, but anyway.

Commando Crow:

We get out of a junk one morning, it was like zero two in the morning.

Commando Crow:

And, you know, we did our assembly and we had to do accountability for all our sensitive gear, you know, our M fours or night vision, you know, all our good shit, you know, we get in formation,

Commando Crow:

he signed up for the Army to play with us.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Sergeant Diaz comes over there and he's standing in the squad right next to me, you know, in the file.

Commando Crow:

He looked over at me and he said, Willie, I think you need to go to the hospital.

Commando Crow:

I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about?

Commando Crow:

He says, your face, it's like hanging off.

Commando Crow:

I had a bad exit on the job.

Commando Crow:

Well, the chin strap, there's a metal push the dot snap thing on the chin strap.

Commando Crow:

I can't remember the proper nomenclature, but it was some, it had all three of them words.

Commando Crow:

I just don't remember the order.

Commando Crow:

And well, I come out and I guess I would didn't have a tight body position Parachute when the risers came out of the back tray motherfuckers

Commando Crow:

ripped my helmet off damn near and that chin strap boy It dug into my face and it just held on that's man.

Commando Crow:

I looked down in my uniform, man It wasn't camoed no more.

Commando Crow:

It was red I look like I got shot in the I had this big ol flap I had to put back over my head.

Commando Crow:

He said, man, you need to go to the doctor.

Commando Crow:

He runnin over to get the damn first order.

Commando Crow:

Hey, first order, Willie needs to go to the doctor.

Commando Crow:

And I'm like, man, put some tape on that motherfucker.

Commando Crow:

That's what I told him.

Commando Crow:

I said, if it ain't scabbed up before morning, I'll go get it stitched back on.

Commando Crow:

But I never went to the doctor.

Commando Crow:

It started to Dubias.

Commando Crow:

That motherfucker went in like a toothpick.

Commando Crow:

He was a dweeb.

Commando Crow:

He had like three inch thick glasses, right?

Commando Crow:

He was a pretty boy though, cuz he started living in the gym got all beefed up and that motherfucker saw my face He was like man, what happened to you?

Commando Crow:

I said during the jump He got out of the army because of that shit.

Commando Crow:

I mean, Sergeant Tobias, man, that motherfucker.

Commando Crow:

He was like, Oh, I ain't ripping my face off.

Commando Crow:

Man, women love scars.

Commando Crow:

They like scars better than they like muscles, I think.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Muscles don't say you did nothing but pump some iron.

Commando Crow:

Scars says you was in something.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I saw that day where he almost cut his fingers off trying to put a chain on him.

Commando Crow:

Chain saw.

Commando Crow:

He sliced three of his fingers all the way to the bone.

Commando Crow:

I mean, not just all the way to the bone.

Commando Crow:

You could see the bone.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All we heard was, Pat.

Commando Crow:

Bring me a band aid.

Commando Crow:

Give me a band aid, woman.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I see that's the kind of shit people today are missing, man.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, I mean, if you get, if you get a good one, man, just deal with it.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

When I cut the end of my finger off, though, that was one you couldn't just ask for a band aid for, but I remember when my dad,

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: when my dad got me.

Commando Crow:

A hot iron would have helped it.

Commando Joe:

Sear it and stop the bleeding.

Commando Crow:

You're right.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

When my dad got to the hospital, he was like, what happened?

Commando Crow:

By the end of the doc was named, he called for some people, get x ray set up.

Commando Crow:

And I said, we need x ray for doctor.

Commando Crow:

I got to do is pull it back.

Commando Crow:

And my dad started laying further and further like that.

Commando Crow:

What are you doing, dad?

Commando Crow:

What are you dad?

Commando Crow:

Get off of me.

Commando Crow:

And when he hit the floor, man, he was, he looked like the incredible Hulk never grew.

Commando Crow:

Nurses running in there and saying, Mr.

Commando Crow:

Williams, you need to sit down.

Commando Crow:

You are green.

Commando Crow:

I got to go back to work.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

I know Maria drove the shit out of that 77 Thunder Chicken though,

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

That was a cougar, yeah, but she had that son of a bitch hooked up.

Commando Crow:

That big ol lanyard got me there, didn't it?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: That little bitty Italian got you there in that big ol land yaght.

Commando Crow:

You ain't

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

That little bitty Italian was my favorite.

Commando Crow:

Boy, she was something serious, too.

Commando Crow:

Tell some of the stupidest jokes.

Commando Crow:

You know why coleslaw's called coleslaw?

Commando Crow:

No, why?

Commando Crow:

Cause it ain't hot.

Commando Crow:

Hell yeah.

Commando Crow:

She was just learning English at the time.

Commando Crow:

So, I mean, it was funny because you really try hard to tell a joke in English.

Commando Crow:

Just, I love Maria death,

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: but her daughter was a Navy person too.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

She doesn't like that advertised.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

She's the one I was saying about that.

Commando Crow:

Called me and told me she had an option for early out, or be one of the first women on an aircraft carrier.

Commando Crow:

I said, do you really want me to answer that?

Commando Crow:

She said, I'm just checking.

Commando Crow:

And, I mean, 500 women on an aircraft carrier is stupid.

Commando Crow:

Extremely stupid.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah, rape is on the menu when you do that.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, you got

Commando Crow:

that right.

Commando Crow:

It's a nightmare.

Commando Crow:

Well, not just rape.

Commando Crow:

I mean, safety could tell you some stories.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah, they're good ones.

Commando Joe:

I think I missed my period.

Commando Joe:

What the fuck are you telling me for?

Commando Crow:

You need to stay away from the water fountains.

Commando Crow:

scuttlebutt is....

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I wouldn't have made it in the Navy.

Commando Crow:

I wouldn't have made it in the Navy.

Commando Crow:

You want to tell me something?

Commando Crow:

No, I think one awesome seal.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Well, I tried to go on the Marines back in 1989 and because of that wreck, I had racing disqualified me, but I couldn't remember.

Commando Crow:

I thought it had been three years.

Commando Crow:

And then that damn recruiter got pissed off at me saying, you lied to us.

Commando Crow:

No, I didn't.

Commando Crow:

I told you what I thought was true.

Commando Crow:

You're a dumb ass, man.

Commando Crow:

You don't need to be driving a truck.

Commando Crow:

If you've got a nose in, Oh my God.

Commando Crow:

I just can't believe I just got parked next to a dumb ass,

Commando Crow:

but thank you.

Commando Crow:

Surrounded by Californians.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All American Commando: he is Mexican.

Commando Crow:

So he can be,

Commando Crow:

but yeah after, after the Marine, cause I mean, dude, that recruiter came over and started yelling at me, literally, it was like a day or two before I was supposed to ship out to Paris Island.

Commando Crow:

I mean, I already have my orders and everything just during Kuwait and man.

Commando Crow:

They rejected me.

Commando Crow:

After that I was like, fuck the military, you fucking motherfuckers, argh, you know, I went to Austin, I was just living it up, and then I got in school, and ran out of money, and my best...

Commando Crow:

You didn't have any speeding

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

You didn't have any speeding tickets, you probably had

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: some money.

Commando Crow:

Dude, Joe, I'd get a speeding ticket and leave with a speeding ticket.

Commando Crow:

And I ain't lying, that motherfucker barely even put, give me my damn ticket, and I'd have another one.

Commando Crow:

And, He said he wasn't

Commando Crow:

going to pay him, damn it, because that's what he was going to use to go on vacation.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah, well, every time I got arrested, I had like five or six warrants racked up because I didn't pay none of them.

Commando Crow:

I was always going to South Padre and we'd charter boats, go deep sea fishing, doing shit like that, but, but, yeah, my best friend, man, he came up to me when I had to withdraw and he's a man.

Commando Crow:

I've been thinking about the army.

Commando Crow:

I said, let's go talk to a recruiter because I didn't man.

Commando Crow:

He was also the guitar player for me and Chris Shannon.

Commando Crow:

No, I was

Commando Crow:

actually their bass player.

Commando Crow:

They didn't work like he said, go ahead.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

He retired 23 years.

Commando Crow:

He did eight tours over in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Commando Crow:

And but he got out at seven, but Yeah, we walked in there, man, our hair was so long, we, I bet we smoked an ounce of weed before we went up

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

That recruiter looked at us, man, you would have thought we were like Bill and Ted or something at the moment, man, that recruiter looked at us like we done walked in the wrong door.

Commando Crow:

He literally had a perplexed look on his face and he's like can I help y'all?

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Shannon and I, we're live!

Commando Crow:

Yeah, we want the toughest training you got and he kind of looked at us a little bit, you know Don't let our hair fool you sissy boy, you know But Yeah, we told him we said we want the hardest training you

Commando Crow:

got he inked it in man The only thing is I don't know if you ever heard of a guy that tried to go in infantry and they wouldn't give it To him, but I'm that guy Shannon

Commando Crow:

went in infantry and We were trying to go in buddy system so we could be stationed together and I'll go through our first tour, at least together and shit.

Commando Crow:

Shannon got infantry and they talked me into doing communications and we got separated but.

Commando Crow:

Yeah they inked us in with Airborne Ranger and Special Forces right off the bat, man.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

It was in our contract and, you know, I was kind of mad my MMRB started.

Commando Crow:

It was like second or third day after I met with the surgeons.

Commando Crow:

For the MMRB and I got my orders.

Commando Crow:

My commander and one of our formations, he was like specialist Williams.

Commando Crow:

He called me front and center and gave me my orders for to go to damn Q course.

Commando Crow:

I'm like, oh man, I said, I'm fine.

Commando Crow:

Now we can end the MMRB and all process done started.

Commando Crow:

He said, these orders might as well go into garbage.

Commando Crow:

I'm like, well, why'd you fucking call me up here to give them to me?

Commando Crow:

You know, you just broke my heart, man.

Commando Crow:

I tried my hardest to get into that.

Commando Crow:

They had a hold on.

Commando Crow:

Communications through ranger school.

Commando Crow:

I was like, man, I ain't never going to get to go.

Commando Crow:

I took all these high speed courses, man.

Commando Crow:

Combat life taker, EMT, aerosol, obviously jump school.

Commando Crow:

I was, I was trying to be a high speed motherfucker.

Commando Crow:

And then I wanted to go SF so bad, man.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

That was all I wanted to do when I got in because I knew they got paid extra to take a shit You know, I was happy with airborne because hell airborne you got hazardous duty pay, but literally man You gotta go take a shit.

Commando Crow:

You go pinch a loaf with special forces.

Commando Crow:

They give you tdy do I get additional hazardous duty pay for wiping my ass because I have to live on mres Come on but I couldn't believe it, man.

Commando Crow:

I got my orders and I was on my way out.

Commando Crow:

I was so fucking mad, man.

Commando Crow:

And all I wanted to do was be hood ever since.

Commando Crow:

Oh, high speed, low drag, not even lost an hour of the hair

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: on fire.

Commando Crow:

Well, they, they, they miscarried my dream, man.

Commando Crow:

I was, I felt like a miscarried my dreams.

Commando Crow:

Oh, by the way, the the wreck you talked about a minute ago, trying to go in a Marine, now I don't know.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Never know what our parents are thinking or why they do certain things, but first of all, since we grew up in the racing business, didn't think the bug was gonna bite us.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I mean, really?

Commando Crow:

I mean, I mean, we're racing carts at five and seven years old.

Commando Crow:

I mean, come on.

Commando Crow:

No, you

Commando Crow:

will catch the carts on fire.

Commando Crow:

That that race, he's driving around and try to get it.

Commando Crow:

He's just, you know, yard cart racing, a race car, do a pretty damn good too.

Commando Crow:

And then all of a sudden we're like, Hey, stop.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All American Commando: would have had him, I would have had him if that damn flag man didn't red flag the fucking race.

Commando Joe:

He was like two extra laps

Commando Crow:

and we're waving at him and stopping.

Commando Crow:

The damn motor's on fire, dude.

Commando Crow:

He's going up his helmet, he's like, I didn't know it was

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: on fire.

Commando Crow:

I wanted to catch that motherfucker, man.

Commando Joe:


Commando Crow:

mom, I had a Bambang with my senior year, Patrick had a big race was actually in Clinton, but it was a big race.

Commando Crow:

And I can't remember if it was a regional or national event, but he'd already moved up quite a bit in a short time.

Commando Crow:

He had been racing and I say short time, about a year and a half, he was already sponsors hunting.

Commando Crow:

And mom and dad would never let him go race.

Commando Crow:

Without, without the, I mean, well, well, Mr.

Commando Crow:

Pleasant and Mr.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Collins would go.

Commando Crow:

Well, yeah, I went with Mr.

Commando Crow:

Pleasant a lot.

Commando Crow:

But for some reason, they didn't like him going to races because they weren't there, some crap like that.

Commando Crow:

And they finally agreed to this race to let him go because they were coming to the band banquet and I mean, you know, later on in the night after the banquet

Commando Crow:

awards and all that mom and dad leave soon as they walked out the door, somebody came in the back of the hall talking about is there a Mr or Mrs Williams here?

Commando Crow:

I said, I'm their son.

Commando Crow:

They just left.

Commando Crow:

What's going on?

Commando Crow:

There's a phone call.

Commando Crow:

I go and answer the phone.

Commando Crow:

I don't remember who it was called.

Commando Crow:

I don't know.

Commando Crow:

It was Miss Pleasant or.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I don't remember.

Commando Crow:

Who's Patrick Lewis?

Commando Crow:

He's my brother.

Commando Crow:

What's going on, I said.

Commando Crow:

Well, he's on his way to the hospital.

Commando Crow:

I said, Oh my God, he's going to get in so much choice.

Commando Crow:

And what happened is he had a concussion.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: And look, I

Commando Joe:

got a

Commando Crow:

story about it.

Commando Crow:

He had gone over a step up with another guy and they were super competitive and they tried to knock each other off the bikes and it worked, Patrick just landed head first in field, right?

Commando Crow:

Broke his helmet and got a concussion.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I was pretty fucked up on that one, man.

Commando Crow:

I don't remember anything from that day, though.

Commando Crow:

I remember a couple of seconds on and off.

Commando Crow:

It was like somebody turned the lights on and off.

Commando Crow:

I mean, I came to two or three times for about a second or two in the ambulance, and I felt my head beating the shit out of that C spine board.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, they're going down at 20 and my head's bouncing like a basketball.

Commando Crow:

I'm like, what the fuck?

Commando Crow:

That shit hurts.

Commando Crow:

But I don't remember much of that day.

Commando Crow:

I don't remember anything of that day.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, and

Commando Crow:

I don't remember who it was that I talked to.

Commando Crow:

I don't think it was Mr.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

It seems like it was somebody from the track.

Commando Crow:

But they were telling me, they were telling me how you, how you and that other guy, and I can't remember his name either, but y'all competed against each other a lot.

Commando Crow:

But that's what they told me.

Commando Crow:

When y'all went over to step up, both of y'all tried to, tried to throw the ass end of the bike around and slow the other one down or knock the other one down or whatever, and both

Commando Crow:

of y'all went down right in front of everybody, and they said it got you up out of the out of the grass, carried you over to a table, then put you on the table, tried to check you out.

Commando Crow:

I guess they had medical personnel there or something.

Commando Crow:

And they said, he sat up at one point, and they were asking how you were doing, and he said, when's my next race?

Commando Crow:

And they said, in about 30 or 40 minutes.

Commando Crow:

He said, good, I got time to rest.

Commando Crow:

And lay back down.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I

Commando Crow:

was like, damn.

Commando Crow:

Still hard charging with a frickin concussion.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: That's why people need to get punished in the face, man.

Commando Crow:

When they're young, man, people get punched in the face.

Commando Crow:

They'll be a and we thank you for being here with us.

Commando Crow:

If you liked today's show, rate it and review us on podchaser.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

It only takes a moment and it will help us tremendously.

Commando Crow:

Subscribe to get our weekly emails and your personal copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Commando Crow:

Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the Constitution Commandos signing off.

Show artwork for The Constitution Commandos

About the Podcast

The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
Welcome to The Constitution Commandos!
We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution Commandos is more than just a podcast; it’s a call to arms for every citizen who values the freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that knowledge is power, and through our discussions, we aim to equip our listeners with the knowledge they need to safeguard our democracy.

Join us on this journey as we stand guard over the Constitution and navigate the complexities of these challenging times together.
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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.