G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 Am I the Only One - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 21

Published on:

4th Sep 2023

Am I the Only One

The Constitution Commandos

[00:00] The Pledge of Allegiance


Good morning, fellow patriots!

Welcome to21 of 2. Today we strike up a conversation about Am I the Only One.

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My name is Chris Williams and I am your host. My brother Patrick Williams is the cohost and we are The Constitution Commandos .

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It is hard to believe that people in general, are so terribly blind to everything going on. Many times I have asked, "Am I the only one"? Are the American people satisfied with the status quo? I cannot understand why America is not comprehending the destruction of our Constitution, our rights, and our way of life.

Hatred for Trump?

  • Nobody can believe our country is better off today than under the Trump administration
  • People on the left should look at Hawaii, predominately democrats are left out to dry
  • People on the left need to understand that they will soon be victims of the current policies
  • Vladimir Lenin pushed socialism until the last couple of years of his life, when he tried to undo all he did.

Examine and Evaluate the Facts

  • Follow the example of Joe Rogan
  • Follow the example of Tucker Carlson
  • Follow the example of Alan Dershowitz
  • Follow the example of Ben Shapiro

The Constitution

  • Enumerated the rights given to us by God, not by governments
  • Government cannot take away rights

The Trump Trials

  • These trials are doing irreparable damage to our country
  • The Constitution is being shredded

Social Injustice

  • We should not label former inmates as felons
  • Once released from custody, they have satisfied the debt to society
  • Job applications should not ask about past indiscretions.

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Copyright 2022 by The Constitution Commandos All rights reserved.

Chris Williams:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with.

Chris Williams:

It's just incredible how blind we are.

Chris Williams:

And, you know, for a long time, I mean, how many times have I said it?

Chris Williams:

Am I the only one that sees this?

Chris Williams:

You know, when Aaron Lewis came out with that song, am I the only one?

Chris Williams:

I was like, he wrote that song for me.

Chris Williams:

He wrote that song for me.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

you know, there comes, there comes a point where, I mean, first of all, you have to know the difference between right and wrong.

Chris Williams:

And I think we have strayed way away from that in this country and.

Chris Williams:

Not just this country.

Chris Williams:

I'm sure it's, this is problem worldwide, but I live in this country.

Chris Williams:

This is the only one I've ever been to.

Chris Williams:

So I can only speak to this country, but you know what I, what I have seen, especially over the last three years, I mean, it really just amazes

Chris Williams:

me how much people really want to be bent over a barrel and, and given the what for, but I mean, why?

Chris Williams:

You know, why would, why would we want to be done dirty?

Chris Williams:

That's what I wanna know.

Patrick Williams:

And, and the thing about it to me too is these people that hate Trump so much and they see what the agenda is today under this current administration, and they can't seem to set aside their delirious hate.

Patrick Williams:

For Trump, and if they say the country is better today than it was then, than they're lying and they're fool.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

There's no way anybody can believe that.

Patrick Williams:

They don't believe it.

Patrick Williams:

They will tell you that because they want you to think that they're right or something, or they want you to think that they truly believe they're right.

Patrick Williams:

It, it to me it is absolutely astonishing that people are willing to subvert the constitution, the rule of law, peace between our neighbors and they, and they continue to stoke the flames of division and they can see today.

Patrick Williams:

What it leads to, and we haven't even gotten into the thick of it yet.

Patrick Williams:

And No, you have to and, and for all the people that are listening that are on the left and are really against Trump, I have I, and look, I don't give a shit if you like Trump or not.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, I don't, I don't care if you vote for 'em.

Patrick Williams:

I don't care if you don't vote for 'em.

Patrick Williams:

That doesn't bother me.

Patrick Williams:

And those aren't the people that I'm talking about.

Patrick Williams:

I'm talking about the people that are running around in this woke culture that will put a campaign and dedicate the rest of their life to

Patrick Williams:

get you fired from your job, to have you ostracized from communities to destroy you at your, and you put in jail for something you didn't do.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

These are the people that I'm talking about.

Patrick Williams:

Well, I want you people, the ones that.

Patrick Williams:

The ones that I am referring to, I want you to look at Hawaii that is almost 98% Democrat.

Patrick Williams:

You'll probably, you probably will not find, I bet you'll have better luck finding a reptile, a snake on Hawaii than you will find in a Republican, and snakes are illegal there.

Patrick Williams:

Alright, so I Would you watch those Democrats?

Patrick Williams:

Have been hung out to dry by this administration.

Patrick Williams:

So don't think the Democratic administration, yeah, do not think that this administration is going after your enemies and it stops when they go after your ideological or political enemies.

Patrick Williams:

Once they get your enemies, your current enemies are the ones that are willing to protect and defend you.

Patrick Williams:

Once we are out of the way, they're coming for you.

Patrick Williams:

And don't think that it won't happen because when it does happen, you're gonna sit there and cry like a little bitch, and you're gonna be like, who's going to help me?

Patrick Williams:

Nobody's going to help you because there won't be anyone left.

Patrick Williams:

This is coming for you, so change your fucking views.

Patrick Williams:

I don't care what you change 'em to, but stop supporting you.

Patrick Williams:

You're the first ones to call Trump and all his supporters, fascists, and Nazis, but you failed to see.

Patrick Williams:

What is going on in his current administration, and you don't only just support it, you prop it up, you advance the agenda by doing what they say, and you are just, you're bringing the landslide down on yourself.

Patrick Williams:

Yes, it's going to get you.

Patrick Williams:

This is a historical fact.

Patrick Williams:

You can find thousands of years of history of this happening.

Patrick Williams:

Don't think you're special because this is America.

Patrick Williams:

It's no different than this socialist argument.

Patrick Williams:

Oh, these other countries did it wrong.

Patrick Williams:

We can do it right.

Patrick Williams:

Well, you know what they, you're an idiot.

Patrick Williams:

All those failed nations that ushered in socialism said the exact same thing, and look what it led 'em to.

Chris Williams:

So, a matter of fact, we can use Vladimir Lennon as a perfect example here.

Chris Williams:

Who was, and if you don't know who Vladimir Lennon is, go check him out because he grew up and he, he basically grew up with a father who was a political prisoner most of his life, and he grew up in poverty.

Chris Williams:

And by the time he reached high school and college age, he was, he wasn't just on the socialist train, he was pushing the socialist

Chris Williams:

agenda until Russia became a United, Soviet socialist republic, of which Vladimir Lennon was the first leader.

Chris Williams:

And believe it or not, he lived the rest of his life.

Chris Williams:

I think his last two or three years of his life, he lived in political exile and spent the last couple years of his life trying to undo everything he did.

Chris Williams:

And this is a man who, I mean, he pushed socialism, but the last couple of years of his life realized it was the wrong thing to do.

Chris Williams:

You know, the United States, United Socialist Republic only lasted, what, 65 years, I believe, before that Iron Curtain fell.

Chris Williams:

So don't think it's gonna be successful here.

Chris Williams:

It won't, and you know, I, I'll put it like this, if you like the freedom of walking out your door and just going to the park and enjoying a day with your kids, that's gonna be a very vague memory pretty soon.

Chris Williams:

You're not gonna have that option anymore.

Patrick Williams:

Or if you like being able to go to the grocery store and fix whatever your heart desires for dinner, you can write that off the menu too, because that's going to change.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

That's gonna be a distant memory.

Patrick Williams:

And your job,

Chris Williams:

no, you're gonna be forced to go to your job

Patrick Williams:

and it won't be the job you want.

Chris Williams:

And it won't be any labor laws to protect you from working eight hours a day and no overtime.

Chris Williams:

You're gonna be slave labor and everything you make, congratulations.

Chris Williams:

It goes to the government, and the government is gonna get bad off of you.

Chris Williams:

They're not gonna help you any, you're there for the government.

Chris Williams:

And you know, I, I wish I.

Chris Williams:

You know, backing up to what you were saying and with these people change their views.

Chris Williams:

I think they should change their views, but not so much to believe exactly what I believe.

Chris Williams:

I think there will be a boring ass world, but we need more Tucker Carlson's in the world.

Chris Williams:

We need more Ben Shapiro's.

Chris Williams:

We need more Alan Dershowitz.

Chris Williams:

We need, you know what I mean?

Chris Williams:

Jim Pool.

Chris Williams:

We need people who,

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Joe Rogan's, perfect example.

Chris Williams:

And as a matter of fact, I put Joe Rogan and Alan DERs was right there in the same pool together.

Chris Williams:

But these two people are very much Democrat.

Chris Williams:

They're, and they, they like being Democrat, and that's good.

Chris Williams:

Nothing wrong with that, but at least open your eyes to what is right and what is wrong.

Chris Williams:

Like Alan Dershowitz, like Joe Rogan, and I've, look, I've seen Joe Rogan on a couple of his shows.

Chris Williams:

He would find out some things, especially about January the sixth.

Chris Williams:

Oh my goodness.

Chris Williams:

If you, if you haven't seen Joe Rogan talk about January 6th, go find some of his episodes and when he started finding out things about what really happened, January the sixth.

Chris Williams:

He was flabbergasted and he was taken aback.

Chris Williams:

Like, I can, I can't believe I, I mean, why did, why weren't we told this?

Chris Williams:

You know, and this is, this is a Joe Rogan, but he's open to fact.

Chris Williams:

That's, that's what I'm asking for.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

You know, look at facts, don't, and, and look.

Chris Williams:

There is a reason our constitution is so admired by other countries around the world.

Chris Williams:

Some of, there have been several other countries who have wanted to adopt our constitution, and we've helped them restructure their constitution to

Patrick Williams:

be closer to ours.

Patrick Williams:

And Australia's in the middle of that right now trying to reform their constitution and they're usings.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

And the reason for that is, is because, is because, It provides protection of certain liberties that we have enjoyed for 247 years.

Chris Williams:

I mean, we can't, I mean, I can sit here and talk about the liberties all day long.

Chris Williams:

We don't appreciate 'em because we didn't fight for 'em.

Chris Williams:

But now is the time you might wanna start trying to figure out whether or not to fight for those liberties, because once you lose them, They're gone.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And people need to also understand the Constitution did not give us our rights.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

God gave us our rights.

Patrick Williams:

And the Constitution enumerated those rights.

Patrick Williams:

It restricted the government and recognized that our rights are given to us by the Creator, not by governments.

Patrick Williams:

Government didn't give them to us.

Patrick Williams:

They can't take 'em away.

Patrick Williams:

That's correct.

Chris Williams:

And hey, look, that's made us the most admired country around the world for ever since our inception.

Chris Williams:

But you know, the men who designed this constitution, and there's only five of 'em, five wrote the Constitution and Quite frankly, those five men spent many, many hours, months, years studying other political structures.

Chris Williams:

And this was one that fit what the people in who came to this country wanted freedom.

Chris Williams:

We've got what no other country has, and I mean, if you just wanna be like every other country, Do yourself a favor and go read.

Chris Williams:

Go read a book of Exodus.

Chris Williams:

When the Israelites declared they wanted a king, they wanted to be like every other country and look what it got 'em.

Chris Williams:

So that's what you really want.

Chris Williams:

I mean, I just say there's plenty of other countries that have what you want.

Chris Williams:

Go there.

Chris Williams:

Don't do it here.

Chris Williams:

I mean, we do have a country worth fighting for what's going on right now with these Trump trials.

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

blatantly absurd and, and it's not just absurd.

Patrick Williams:

It's going to do irreparable damage to our country.

Patrick Williams:

This is not something that is, oh, it's, we're just going to keep him from running for office.

Patrick Williams:

No, this is destroying a free America.

Patrick Williams:

That's what this is doing.

Patrick Williams:

Yes, it's taking the constitution and wiping their asses with it, and anybody that feels that sacrificing our constitution and our rights is worth going after a man that is no

Patrick Williams:

longer in office but running for office, then you have a serious problem and you probably need to find the therapist that can see you immediately.

Patrick Williams:

You have issues inside your head.

Patrick Williams:

Squash does not function properly.

Chris Williams:

Well, I think, you know, I think the best therapist is to go study, go learn, you know?

Chris Williams:

And quite frankly what I, I mean, most of the division that I have seen in, in this country, and I'll keep it small because in the state of Mississippi is where I have been for the last several years, but most of the.

Chris Williams:

Most of what I've seen is everybody's about themselves and, and that's it.

Chris Williams:

If you're one of those people that think everything has to surround you well, you got a problem because you're not the only one here.

Chris Williams:

There are a lot of other people here, and you know what's good for the whole is not bad for any one person.

Chris Williams:

You know, the Constitution was written for.

Chris Williams:

A corporate body called the United States and you don't believe it.

Chris Williams:

Go study the Go Study the history on that constitution, there's a lot of people who did not agree with a lot of what was going on as far as the writing of that constitution.

Chris Williams:

In fact, I think it took what, another 11 years after the Constitution was written, before it was actually ratified.

Chris Williams:

I believe so.

Chris Williams:

Which is where the Bill of Rights came from because the holdout states wanted to guarantee these certain rights.

Chris Williams:

They agreed to the amendments for everybody.

Chris Williams:

No one person wrote the Constitution in no one state.

Chris Williams:

And by the way, the only way that Constitution became ratified, just like the Declaration of Independence, it had to be 100% ratified, 100%.

Chris Williams:

Not a super majority, not a majority.

Chris Williams:

It had to be a unanimous decision.

Chris Williams:

And there's a lot of people back then who didn't agree with each other, just asked the Puritans and the Quakers, I mean, yeah.

Chris Williams:

So you know, we've got a good thing, but we can tear it up just as quickly as it came together.

Chris Williams:

Actually a lot quicker.

Chris Williams:

We tear it up about, as fast as Nancy Pelosi tore up Trump's speech,

Patrick Williams:

which was also illegal, but she didn't get prosecuted.

Patrick Williams:

Oh yeah.

Patrick Williams:

Nobody even talked to her about it.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Everybody was high fiving her and slapping her on the old ass behind saying, good job.

Patrick Williams:

Good job.

Patrick Williams:

That damn trunk.

Patrick Williams:

Well, y'all can keep saying that stuff, but y'all need to look inside and figure out what you really don't like about him besides what the media says you don't like about him.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

And look, there's a, you know, there's something else that needs to be said here too.

Chris Williams:

Trump is not the only person with a backbone like he's got.

Chris Williams:

He's not the only one with the stamina.

Chris Williams:

He's got, he's not the only one who believes that this country belongs to this country.

Chris Williams:

He just happens to be the face of it right now.

Chris Williams:

And if you think he's the only stallion in the barn, you're, you're wrong.

Chris Williams:

He just happens to be the one that stepped up and took that mantle first.

Chris Williams:

I mean, really?

Chris Williams:

So and I, and I'm pretty sure.

Chris Williams:

There's plenty of patriots in this country who are seeing the wrongdoing, but to be honest, I'm gonna say it over and over and over again.

Chris Williams:

You know, we just happen to have a platform where we can, we can, we can speak our mind well until they come

Patrick Williams:

for us.

Chris Williams:

Until they come for us.

Chris Williams:

Until they come for us.

Chris Williams:

But we're not the only ones.

Chris Williams:

And look, quite frankly, you don't need an F c C license to run a podcast, but you also.

Chris Williams:

Don't have to just be quiet, be silent.

Chris Williams:

I mean, more people need to start stepping up for what's right instead of just taking what's wrong because you think you can't do anything about it.

Chris Williams:

And look, that goes for people who have that tag of a felon too.

Chris Williams:

That's one that I've been struggling with a lot because far as I'm concerned, when you're released from prison, when the state says you can go home, you're

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

You've done your time, you've paid your penalty to society and you, yeah.

Patrick Williams:

And for you to continually pay for those crimes, that is like double jeopardy.

Patrick Williams:

That's worse than double jeopardy.

Patrick Williams:

And it is, it should be unacceptable to the masses.

Patrick Williams:

If somebody goes to jail for one reason or another, he does his time, he is released, then that is behind him.

Chris Williams:

That's right.

Chris Williams:

Let him go back to work.

Chris Williams:

Let him get a job he's qualified for.

Chris Williams:

Hell let him go back to school and get a job.

Chris Williams:

He wants, I mean's

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And he shouldn shouldn't be mandated to put that on an application.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

If he gets in trouble again, then hey, I'm all four to three strike thing.

Patrick Williams:

I got no problem with that.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, that's how you get a habitual screw and keep 'em away from society.

Patrick Williams:

But at the, at the end of the day.

Patrick Williams:

But the problem is the

Chris Williams:

way our society is now, we encourage.

Chris Williams:

Three strikes because we don't offer the opportunities for people who came out prison, and that's wrong.

Patrick Williams:

That's exactly right.

Patrick Williams:

You've got prisons and institutions that are correctional facilities that have turned to the private sector.

Patrick Williams:

They get paid shitloads of American tax to pay a dollar to and to incarcerate people over the smallest little thing.

Patrick Williams:

They have very little oversight, so they can do whatever they want.

Patrick Williams:

They can actually turn around and stack charges on an inmate for whatever they want.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

They don't offer any type of, or a lot of them don't.

Patrick Williams:

There are some that do that don't offer any type of it.

Patrick Williams:

Educational programs or any types of trades.

Patrick Williams:

I do know that there are many states that have, Texas is one of them.

Patrick Williams:

They have work farms all over the state that produce agriculture.

Patrick Williams:

They have body shops, they have mechanic shops.

Patrick Williams:

They have inmates that do produce a good or a service and learn a trade.

Patrick Williams:

And not only does it really learn a trade.

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, yeah.

Patrick Williams:

Not only does it go.

Patrick Williams:

To aid and assist the state.

Patrick Williams:

In some things they sell, they had for many, many years, they produced the best flour in the world.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, for biscuits.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Or pancakes or what?

Patrick Williams:

You can get the best flour from Texas back then.

Patrick Williams:

Anyway, I don't know now, but, and it was produced by Texas inmates, but those inmates actually have an opportunity to walk out of jail and they can those skills, and this is where I have a problem with.

Patrick Williams:

This goes back to the recidivism.

Patrick Williams:

If you don't want somebody coming outta jail to have to commit a crime to feed or support their family, they need a trade.

Patrick Williams:

Give an opportunity, give them an opportunity.

Patrick Williams:

Get that freaking question off of applications.

Patrick Williams:

There's a few things that if I were in charge, if I were the president, or okay, number one thing that would be off of every application, it would be illegal.

Patrick Williams:

To ask you about your race or your sex illegal, right.

Patrick Williams:

I would ask if you were a legal American citizen.

Patrick Williams:

I wouldn't do that, but I would.

Patrick Williams:

It would be illegal to ask someone of their race or ethnicity or say whatever you want to call it, say, I don't give a shit.

Patrick Williams:

Who cares that that shouldn't matter.

Patrick Williams:

If we want to do, like Dr.

Patrick Williams:

Martin Luther King said, based off of your merit and not the color of your skin, then why do I need to put I'm a white or a non-Hispanic Caucasian?

Patrick Williams:

Why does it matter?

Patrick Williams:

Why does it matter that somebody puts black or Latino or or Hispanic?

Patrick Williams:

I don't know what.

Patrick Williams:

Those are, it doesn't matter.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, those are created, those are boxes to check.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Those are created to maintain a level of division and intersectionality.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

That one would be off of the applications, I don't care.

Patrick Williams:

Medical or job.

Patrick Williams:

Another one would be, have you been arrested or convicted of a felony?

Patrick Williams:

That one would be off of the application.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Even if you haven't been arrested and you don't have any criminal history, you could just as easily be a thief as somebody that's been in prison.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

You, you don't, it, it is got nothing to do with, were you in prison, because that is a stigma that gives people right off of the bat, an employer says, I don't want a criminal in here working.

Patrick Williams:

Well, they're not a criminal.

Patrick Williams:

They served their time.

Patrick Williams:

They did something in their past.

Patrick Williams:

They did their time.

Patrick Williams:

Don't even ask that.

Patrick Williams:

Give everybody and

Chris Williams:

everybody working already is a potential criminal.

Chris Williams:

So I mean, what is

Patrick Williams:

the deal?

Patrick Williams:

Yes, those, those questions right there, it would be illegal to ask them on an application.

Patrick Williams:

I do not agree with either one of them.

Patrick Williams:

I think that they're bad.

Patrick Williams:

I think they are designed to segment.

Patrick Williams:

Population and to break us into groups.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, and I don't think that those questions serve any type of purpose towards the general welfare or productivity of a society.

Patrick Williams:

If you wanna know if somebody's what race or ethnicity they are, if you want to know what sex they are, that's why we have a census.

Patrick Williams:

You want to count heads in a state or a certain area.

Patrick Williams:

That's all for election purposes that how many seats in Congress do you get or, or whatever that, but those questions should not be allowed anywhere in American or any civ civilized society.

Patrick Williams:

They shouldn't

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Concludes our show for today, and we thank you for being here.

Chris Williams:

If you like today's show, rate It and the viewers on by podchaser.com.

Chris Williams:

It only takes a moment and it would help us tremendously subscribe to get our weekly emails and your personal copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Chris Williams:

Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the constitution.

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About the Podcast

The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
Welcome to The Constitution Commandos!
We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution Commandos is more than just a podcast; it’s a call to arms for every citizen who values the freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that knowledge is power, and through our discussions, we aim to equip our listeners with the knowledge they need to safeguard our democracy.

Join us on this journey as we stand guard over the Constitution and navigate the complexities of these challenging times together.
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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.