G-FTJFQ7J38N GTM-5ZH6PM5 1479953155842238 Adapt and Survive: Essential Skills for Post-Disaster Scenarios - The Constitution Commandos

Episode 5

Published on:

2nd May 2024

Adapt and Survive: Essential Skills for Post-Disaster Scenarios

The Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.

Adapt and Survive: Essential Skills for Post-Disaster Scenarios


3 5

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Surviving a Post-EMP Scenario: Weapons, Skills, and Community Building

This episode explores survival tactics in a world after an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event, stressing the need for cautious weapon use because of limited ammunition and the dangers of creating noise. It encourages mastering the skill of fire-making without contemporary tools, emphasizing personal efforts and the benefits of practicing age-old techniques. The discussion also covers the pitfalls of navigation mistakes and the importance of situational awareness, highlighting essential survival skills such as water purification and fire creation.

The dialogue pivots on the crucial role of community in survival contexts, emphasizing the necessity for collective support and the exchange of survival knowledge. The hosts advocate for active participation and the dissemination of survival skills among listeners, with the goal of cultivating a community ready for any emergency situation.

00:00 Introduction to Post-EMP Survival Strategies

00:05: The Importance of Primitive Weaponry and Ammo Conservation

01:29 Mastering Fire Starting Without Modern Tools

03:55: Survival Skills Beyond Fire Starting

11:26 The Value of Community and Feedback in Survival Situations

17:10 Closing Thoughts and Invitation for Listener Engagement

Commando Crow:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

Commando Crow:

and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible,

Commando Crow:

with liberty and justice for all.

Commando Crow:

Good morning my fellow patriots and welcome to episode five.

Commando Crow:

Today we are going to talk about some disaster scenarios and some

Commando Crow:

of the essential skills to develop in order to adapt and survive.

Commando Crow:

Be sure to chime in with your knowledge and experience.

Commando Crow:

Just email us at podteam at the constitutioncommandos.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

We try to keep the confusion down about what we're saying.

Commando Crow:

We understand what the other ones say.

Commando Crow:

And even though, you still trained a different way than I did.

Commando Crow:

So there's a lot of misunderstanding maybe there, but just to be clear, when

Commando Crow:

this time comes where you have to live off the land, as we're talking about

Commando Crow:

after an EMP, If you have weapons, you want to use that as little as possible

Commando Crow:

simply because, first of all, unless you can replace the ammo that you just spent,

Commando Crow:

you're just going to be out of ammo.

Commando Crow:

But at the same time, firearms give away your position faster than anything else.

Commando Crow:

Anything that makes noise will give away your position.

Commando Crow:

But, you want to save your firearms for those times when

Commando Crow:

you've got multiple attackers.

Commando Crow:

Simply because, you're probably going to miss a few rounds.

Commando Crow:

Hopefully not.

Commando Crow:

Hopefully you're well trained, practiced, whatever, but you don't want to use your

Commando Crow:

firearms unless it's absolutely necessary.

Commando Crow:

Get used to using primitive weapons.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah, don't think I won't use a firearm if I

Commando Crow:

have to eat, but I guarantee you it'll be a one bullet one kill thing.

Commando Crow:

It's not gonna be me going out and shooting up a bunch of my bullets.

Commando Crow:

Now, if you think rounds are expensive now, try

Commando Crow:

to get them when that EMP hits.

Commando Crow:

And when the barter system becomes a real big trading issue.

Commando Crow:

You're going to find out Chapstick is going to be very valuable one day.

Commando Crow:

Oh yeah.

Commando Crow:

So don't waste your rounds at all.

Commando Crow:

Don't waste them.

Commando Crow:

They will be necessary.

Commando Crow:

Just don't waste.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: And then on top of that, things you can do right now,

Commando Crow:

let's say there are no matches, there are no lighters, which I don't

Commando Crow:

like the fact, I don't like to count on either one of those because.

Commando Crow:

There is a limited amount of gas in your lighter, and there is a

Commando Crow:

limited amount of matches in a box.

Commando Crow:

Hold on now, we actually went in the woods one day.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, but we

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: were dealing with wet brush, and we were doing

Commando Crow:

And you know what?

Commando Crow:

We need to do that again.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yes, we do.

Commando Crow:

And you can do this in your backyard.

Commando Crow:

You can do this Do it in a steel pot on your back porch

Commando Crow:

if you live in an apartment.

Commando Crow:

You can, a ferrocyte rod, you can learn how to make a fire without

Commando Crow:

the use of matches and lighters.

Commando Crow:

And I'm going to be honest with you, I used to be a welder.

Commando Crow:

Believe me, you do not want to have a big lighter blow up on you.

Commando Crow:

And if somebody attacks you or anything like that, those are miniature bombs.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I am opposed to big lighters.

Commando Crow:

There are a lot of survivalists out there that say they'll carry 30 of them.

Commando Crow:

But if I carry 30 of them, they're not gonna be near my body.

Commando Crow:

I can tell you that right now.

Commando Crow:

I look at if you're a crack head, you don't

Commando Crow:

want to use those lighters.

Commando Crow:

I'm just saying, but yeah, you're right.

Commando Crow:

Now, the day that we hit the woods when those leaves were there,

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: that's

Commando Crow:

a good example of what we were talking about earlier,

Commando Crow:

because, whatever's uncomfortable.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: and we got our bird's nest.

Commando Crow:

We'd get our burgers started, but it was smoking so bad we couldn't keep it going.

Commando Crow:

It wouldn't catch.

Commando Crow:

But that's something that is uncomfortable.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, we'd be eating like three or four little

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: bitty two inch flames.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

But it's something that's uncomfortable, and I think that's something that, for

Commando Crow:

me, Oh, I'm going to try that again.

Commando Crow:

And I'm going to keep trying it until I figure it out.

Commando Crow:

And that day we both had lighters on us.

Commando Crow:

We could have very easily struck a lighter, but what good would our,

Commando Crow:

what good would our practicing be if we pulled a lighter out?

Commando Crow:

It's cheating in it.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: It's easy.

Commando Crow:

And even if you carry a zip, I don't care if you have a gallon of zip boat flute,

Commando Crow:

you're going to run out of fluid, you're going to have to know how to start a fire.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: how to do it without the use of modern tools.

Commando Crow:

Other than a parasite rod.

Commando Crow:

Which is what we talked about earlier.

Commando Crow:

If it's uncomfortable, practice

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: it.

Commando Crow:

If you find something that's uncomfortable, and you

Commando Crow:

will if you're paying attention.

Commando Crow:

If you find something uncomfortable, practice it.

Commando Crow:

Attack that one thing.

Commando Crow:

Get good at it.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Expose yourself to it.

Commando Crow:

And that actually will be a benefit for

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: you in the long run.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

And that was one of the things that we had struggles with that day,

Commando Crow:

but there was something else to

Commando Crow:

What was it?

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: You got a little turnaround on you got us back to the

Commando Crow:

vehicle, but the land nav aspect, you got a little bit turn around on the

Commando Crow:

last 6 to 10 feet off, I think, on the return trip.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah, it was really not big enough

Commando Crow:

of an area to be that much off to be honest.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah, but if you miss it by 10 feet, though, and

Commando Crow:

you walk for a mile and a half, you're going to be way more than 10 feet off.

Commando Crow:

That's what I'm saying.

Commando Crow:

No more distance that we walked.

Commando Crow:

I was way off.

Commando Crow:

I wasn't even in the ballpark.

Commando Crow:

So yeah, that's something I need to practice on for sure.

Commando Crow:

And Scouts, we did that kind of stuff in Boy Scouts.

Commando Crow:

And how long ago was that?

Commando Crow:

No, wait, we'll keep that to ourselves.

Commando Crow:

But that was a few years ago, to say the least.

Commando Crow:

So it's something, these are perishable knowledges, but these are

Commando Crow:

things that are imperative, really.

Commando Crow:

And, In the form of survival.

Commando Crow:

It is.

Commando Crow:

But, as we started talking about the, from the beginning, knowing

Commando Crow:

your personal dwelling, if you don't know that, don't even get outside

Commando Crow:

your dwelling because you're lost.

Commando Crow:

That's all there is to it.

Commando Crow:

It is critical to know where you are and know what's around you.

Commando Crow:

And, that was something that I learned.

Commando Crow:

When the racing deal was going on with dad, how many times did I hear Tommy

Commando Crow:

Martin tell dad, you're not going to be able to look in that mirror

Commando Crow:

all the time, but you need to know where every driver on the track is.

Commando Crow:

And you've done enough driving, this, you're not going to see every driver

Commando Crow:

on the track, but if you don't have a sense of where they are, you're going

Commando Crow:

to cause problems for you and them.

Commando Crow:

And that's the same thing.

Commando Crow:

And just what we're talking about.

Commando Crow:

Right here, situational awareness.

Commando Crow:

Is extremely critical,

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: and EMP is gonna be on the far end of

Commando Crow:

the spectrum of, SH ht F moment.

Commando Crow:

But it's not something that's out of consideration.

Commando Crow:

It's something that does need to be considered

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: and it's another thing that you have to consider on

Commando Crow:

these things is if an EMP does happen.

Commando Crow:

Don't just know how to shoot an animal.

Commando Crow:

You have to know how to clean the animal.

Commando Crow:

You have to know how to purify water.

Commando Crow:

Water purification is going to be one of the most important skills that you'll

Commando Crow:

ever have in these bad situations.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

lot of people would think just iodine, but you

Commando Crow:

can't get your hands on iodine.

Commando Crow:

What are you going to do?

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: That's correct.

Commando Crow:

And not everybody's going to have a life straw.

Commando Crow:

And if you do have life straws, they're going to wind up surpassing their

Commando Crow:

filtration capabilities at some point.

Commando Crow:

It's about 300 gallons.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, I got some that are I think 10, 000 I'm trying to remember,

Commando Crow:

I can't remember his liters or gallons, but it's a different

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

It is what I'm pointing.

Commando Crow:

Look, the bottom line is they're going to wear out.

Commando Crow:

What do you do?

Commando Crow:

What do you do?

Commando Crow:

You got no iodine, no filtration straws, no filtration equipment.

Commando Crow:

What are you going to do?

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Charcoal and sand, man, that'll filter any kind of water

Commando Crow:

out with pea gravel or, but learn these skills before these skills are required.

Commando Crow:

Learn them, and put them in practice.

Commando Crow:

If you've only started three fires in a primitive manner and shit hits the fan,

Commando Crow:

you're going to be better off than that person that has never started a fire.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

is that?

Commando Crow:

The survival is.

Commando Crow:

What is that?

Commando Crow:

The evasion instructor was talking about on that video you sent me.

Commando Crow:

He said the key to evasion is keeping your heart rate down.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Absolutely.

Commando Crow:

Keep yourself, you don't bad decisions.

Commando Crow:

And if you don't know any of this stuff, you don't know how any of

Commando Crow:

this stuff works, you're going to panic.

Commando Crow:

That's all there is.

Commando Crow:

Panic is a

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: killer.

Commando Crow:

Panic is a killer.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

So you don't, I got to watch that urban video too.

Commando Crow:

I got to see that.

Commando Crow:

I've been wanting to see it.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Yeah, that's a video.

Commando Crow:

Donald Trump video and, no, not talking.

Commando Crow:

Go ahead.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: You ought to link that video that told you

Commando Crow:

about you talking about the survival

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: The, yeah, the evasion.

Commando Crow:

You ought to link this video.

Commando Crow:

You ought to link that to this video.

Commando Crow:

And I apologize, I cannot recall the man's name.

Commando Crow:

I would don't remember his name.

Commando Crow:

Shoot a shout out for him name, but he ought to link it to this video.

Commando Crow:

. Link the 1 with urban evasion.

Commando Crow:

I had

Commando Crow:

to pull that up.

Commando Crow:

I hadn't even watched that 1 yet.

Commando Crow:

So I will.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

The 1st 1 I think is very key.

Commando Crow:

Now, based on, where we grew up and we had woods, right?

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: We lived in the woods,

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

And so that kind of stuff that we saw on that video you sent

Commando Crow:

me, it's pretty common for us.

Commando Crow:

Maybe not to other people, but yeah, the urban video, I

Commando Crow:

would really like to see them.

Commando Crow:

As a matter of fact, when we get done here, I'm going to go watch that video.

Commando Crow:

But I

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: think I need to remember the guy's name.

Commando Crow:

I would cite him.

Commando Crow:

I would like to shout the guy out.

Commando Crow:

I wish I could remember his name.

Commando Crow:

I think if if you look at the,

Commando Crow:

like I said, you need

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: to pin it.

Commando Crow:

You need to stick it to this video.

Commando Crow:

And anybody I would advise you to watch it.

Commando Crow:

A lot of it is common sense, but a lot of it is common sense stuff that the

Commando Crow:

average person has never thought of.

Commando Crow:

And that would be very good.

Commando Crow:

Lessons to learn and to exercise and practice on in case of an EMP, it

Commando Crow:

would be worth its weight in gold.

Commando Crow:

And it really is, even if you

Commando Crow:

already know a lot of what he's talking

Commando Crow:

about, it really is worthwhile.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah, in his urban environment, I learned

Commando Crow:

about 85 percent of that video.

Commando Crow:

85 percent of, or 85 percent of that I didn't know.

Commando Crow:

And his second one that I watched, I knew about 95 percent of what he said, but

Commando Crow:

there was 5 percent that I didn't know.

Commando Crow:

And I'll be damned.

Commando Crow:

I am glad I watched it because I learned five more percent of knowledge.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I just

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: have to get out and exercise it.

Commando Crow:

Are you trying to

Commando Crow:

say that you don't know everything?

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: I'll be the first to tell you I don't know everything.

Commando Crow:

Oh, a lot of people think I gotta know everything.

Commando Crow:

So I say, Oh, you're so right.

Commando Crow:

And I was like, Why do I have to be right?

Commando Crow:

I don't really care much for being right these days, I just don't like it.

Commando Crow:

But, yeah, I don't, as a matter of fact, you were in the 82nd.

Commando Crow:

I was just a poor old squid.

Commando Crow:

The bottom line is you got a training that I always wanted.

Commando Crow:

When I signed up for the Navy, you already know I signed up to be a SEAL.

Commando Crow:

And unfortunately, I didn't get to go there, but you got a

Commando Crow:

lot of the training I wanted.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah, and I got more training than a lot of

Commando Crow:

average 82nd Airborne Troopers.

Commando Crow:

Oh, you got a lot of training than a lot of average

Commando Crow:

soldiers didn't get, period.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah, unless you're talking about Rangers

Commando Crow:

or SF, somebody in the teams.

Commando Crow:

No, just as an 82nd

Commando Crow:

Airborne Trooper, you got things that a lot of people did not get.

Commando Crow:

And just to be fair, for those who are listening, you were gung ho about

Commando Crow:

being a ranger when you went in.

Commando Crow:

At the very least, ranger, I knew you were trying to go ranger and I thought

Commando Crow:

SF was what you were really looking for.

Commando Crow:

Just because, I talk to a lot of people now that say, look, I wanted to go in the

Commando Crow:

military, but because I had broken both the bones in my right leg, I couldn't go.

Commando Crow:

That's what it sounds like.

Commando Crow:

That doesn't make you any less patriot, right?

Commando Crow:

And I actually learned that from Chris Kyle.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

Because you know what Chris Kyle did, and I look up to people like

Commando Crow:

that because they did what I wanted to do.

Commando Crow:

But even he said, look, 180 days consecutive on active duty.

Commando Crow:

You're a veteran.

Commando Crow:

And I actually had a commander who sat me down and had a conversation

Commando Crow:

with me because I was down about my job and he wanted to he wanted to

Commando Crow:

give me some insight on how important my job was to the bigger picture.

Commando Crow:

And because of people like that, I'm able to say this now, there's a

Commando Crow:

lot of people I know who wanted to be in the military that could not.

Commando Crow:

For whatever reason, something outside their control that

Commando Crow:

could not be in the military.

Commando Crow:

I wanted to do what you did.

Commando Crow:

I went in on the pretense that I would still be able to do

Commando Crow:

that and I didn't get to do that still, but you know what I mean?

Commando Crow:

You don't have, you don't have to be in those certain positions.

Commando Crow:

It's good to know people in those positions because there are still

Commando Crow:

people who have those skills that have been trained in certain ways

Commando Crow:

that can help you out or whatever.

Commando Crow:

Not all of us were cut out for that.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: That's why I'm also excited about us changing formats, about

Commando Crow:

our topics of conversation, because I want to get more engagement from the audience.

Commando Crow:

I know there are out there that listen.

Commando Crow:

I received 18 echo orders.

Commando Crow:

I was going to go through the SFAS Q course and selection,

Commando Crow:

but I was in an MMRB.

Commando Crow:

I know there are people with a higher level of training.

Commando Crow:

I am proud of the training that I've got.

Commando Crow:

I understand the importance of the training that I've got.

Commando Crow:

I also am more than aware that there are people in the listening

Commando Crow:

audience that have more training.

Commando Crow:

Even if they don't have more training, they might have more experience in

Commando Crow:

a different environment than me.

Commando Crow:

And, Everybody has some knowledge that I will benefit from.

Commando Crow:

So I do with this topic of conversation, which this is, I'm hoping to be our

Commando Crow:

future of podcast is going to be somehow surviving life in a SHTF situation.

Commando Crow:

I am looking forward to receiving input.

Commando Crow:

from other people and other skill sets and other environments,

Commando Crow:

because I don't know tomorrow.

Commando Crow:

I don't know what my next environment is going to be.

Commando Crow:

I can prepare for the environment that I am in.

Commando Crow:

I am unaware.

Commando Crow:

The first thing people need to understand and accept is, you need to come to terms

Commando Crow:

with you do not know what you do not know.

Commando Crow:

That is me, 100%.

Commando Crow:

I have no clue what I don't know and I want feedback, I want people

Commando Crow:

and I'm not saying criticize me.

Commando Crow:

I'm not here to criticize people.

Commando Crow:

I'm here to put out information to help people.

Commando Crow:

So if somebody wants to comment and offer useful knowledge.

Commando Crow:

Not criticisms.

Commando Crow:

I could care less about how to criticize.

Commando Crow:

I don't care if you criticize me.

Commando Crow:

I don't care about that.

Commando Crow:

I know what I did.

Commando Crow:

I know what I'm capable of.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

then again, I would like to know if I'm a

Commando Crow:

little off footing or whatever.

Commando Crow:

I don't mind a little constructive criticism.

Commando Crow:

As a matter of fact, I begged for it as a musician.

Commando Crow:

And a lot of people said, I don't want to hurt your feelings.

Commando Crow:

I was like, you just did.

Commando Crow:

The thing is, And you said what I was trying to say better than I said it,

Commando Crow:

but think for both of us, and I think I speak for both of us when I say this,

Commando Crow:

it's not just about hearing from people who know things that we don't know.

Commando Crow:

I think a lot of it, for me anyway, is building community now,

Commando Crow:

we need to establish community.

Commando Crow:

We need to get this division from between us.

Commando Crow:

We're Americans.

Commando Crow:

Let's build community.

Commando Crow:

Let's be American.

Commando Crow:

That's what's important to me.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

And that's actually the primary building block, because I guarantee you, if things

Commando Crow:

go bad, And let's say you're not in a position, whether it be physically or

Commando Crow:

prepared with a weapon and munitions.

Commando Crow:

Let's say you don't have the food or the water stockpiled.

Commando Crow:

You don't have a way to bug out.

Commando Crow:

You know what?

Commando Crow:

You have just cut your nose off to spite your face.

Commando Crow:

That's right.

Commando Crow:

You have

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: just gotten yourself into a position to where

Commando Crow:

you have no primary, alternate contingency or You know nothing.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: I mean you have gotten yourself into a bad position

Commando Crow:

already So that's the building block now I know and understand that ultimately

Commando Crow:

you're going to be able to depend on yourself But the more people that you

Commando Crow:

can depend on the better you're going to be and the better they're going

Commando Crow:

to be So I would never underwrite or minimize the importance of community.

Commando Crow:

It is important.

Commando Crow:

It's There's no Amount of words to express how important it is At some

Commando Crow:

point, community is going to have to happen, and it would be a whole lot

Commando Crow:

easier to get a community early than late.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, you're right, because, if you wait until you

Commando Crow:

have to have it, you're scrambling and, you may think you know

Commando Crow:

what you're scrambling for, but,

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah,

Commando Crow:

your brain is blitzed.

Commando Crow:

You don't know what you're looking for.

Commando Crow:

I'm sorry, that's just the way it is.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah, and it goes back to, you don't

Commando Crow:

know what you don't know.

Commando Crow:

That's right.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: And no matter how much you know,

Commando Crow:

you still don't know it all.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, but that's why I like the direction that we're going now.

Commando Crow:

I really am looking forward to getting feedback.

Commando Crow:

I research all the time, even with my experience, man, I'm, I run

Commando Crow:

into things constantly that, hey, I either didn't know or I forgot, or

Commando Crow:

it goes in line with what I do know.

Commando Crow:

But it approaches it from a different perspective.

Commando Crow:

And it gives me an aha moment.

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Yeah, it gives me a different way of conducting a

Commando Crow:

task that I'm already familiar with.

Commando Crow:

That's right.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

And once again, that goes back to environments today, I can prepare

Commando Crow:

for my current environment.

Commando Crow:

My environment might change.

Commando Crow:

If it's an environment I'm not used to.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, if it's an environment, which how I do have a lot of training in

Commando Crow:

the desert, so if I do and mountain areas that I'm not familiar with, and

Commando Crow:

somebody on here has knowledge of an environment that I'm not familiar with,

Commando Crow:

man, there's no way in the world I'll reject it because that is the difference

Commando Crow:

between me staying alive or dying.

Commando Crow:

I enjoy life.

Commando Crow:

That's why I wanted airborne like a fricking American.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, but that's why I joined Airborne and I wanted Rangers, Special

Commando Crow:

Forces and had those in my contract.

Commando Crow:

The simple fact of the matter for me back then was, I am joining an

Commando Crow:

organization that is based on war.

Commando Crow:

That's what it exists for, is war.

Commando Crow:

The defense of our nation.

Commando Crow:

People die.

Commando Crow:

I knew that once you got tabs on your shoulder, you were learning

Commando Crow:

more than the average soldier.

Commando Crow:

So I didn't want to just learn what it took to be airborne

Commando Crow:

and have all that training.

Commando Crow:

I wanted to know what it took to be Ranger and get that training.

Commando Crow:

And then I wanted to be special forces and to acquire a whole

Commando Crow:

nother level of training.

Commando Crow:

Now, wait a minute.

Commando Crow:

You sound like you're talking about, you're talking about being

Commando Crow:

that one guy amongst a few who actually want to live long enough.

Commando Crow:

To protect those who can't.

Commando Crow:

What's wrong with you?

Commando Crow:

All-American Commando: Absolutely, man.

Commando Crow:

It's the strong will to survive.

Commando Crow:

That's what's wrong with me.

Commando Crow:

Well, that concludes today's episode, and

Commando Crow:

we appreciate you listening in.

Commando Crow:

Hey, more than that, we love getting your input about our discussions,

Commando Crow:

so drop us an email at podteam at theconstitutioncommandos.

Commando Crow:

org, and check out our merch at tccusa.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Hey, keep your eyes open and your head on swivel till next time.

Commando Crow:

I'm Chris Williams, and on behalf of my brother and

Commando Crow:

myself, we are the Constitution Commandos, and we're signing off.

Show artwork for The Constitution Commandos

About the Podcast

The Constitution Commandos
Stirring up the American Spirit
Welcome to The Constitution Commandos!
We are a dedicated team committed to shining a light on the circumstances, events, and individuals that pose a threat to the sanctity of America’s Constitution. Our mission is to foster understanding, stimulate dialogue, and inspire action in defense of our nation’s foundational document.

Each week, we delve into the pressing issues that challenge the Constitution’s principles. We explore historical precedents, dissect current events, and forecast potential implications. The discussions on the Constitution Commandos podcast are deeply rooted in personal experiences, life teachings, education, and research. This unique blend of sources ensures that the conversations are both personal and informative, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution Commandos is more than just a podcast; it’s a call to arms for every citizen who values the freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that knowledge is power, and through our discussions, we aim to equip our listeners with the knowledge they need to safeguard our democracy.

Join us on this journey as we stand guard over the Constitution and navigate the complexities of these challenging times together.
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About your hosts

Chris Williams

Profile picture for Chris Williams
Chris Williams is a dedicated member of the Constitution Commandos, hailing from the vibrant state of Mississippi. Born and raised in the heart of the Magnolia state, Chris has an unwavering commitment to upholding the principles and values enshrined in the United States Constitution.

With a background in the racing industry, Chris has developed a keen sense of precision and attention to detail. His expertise lies in balancing and blueprinting racing engines, where he has honed his craft to perfection. This combination of technical mastery and a determined spirit makes Chris an invaluable asset to the Constitution Commandos.

Beyond his mechanical prowess, Chris is also a talented musician. Whether it be taking the stage as a performer, contributing his instrumental skills as a studio musician, or pouring his heart into writing soul-stirring songs, he uses music as a powerful tool to inspire anyone who listens to his work.

Chris's entrepreneurial spirit has led him to venture into various small businesses, primarily in the realm of residential construction. This experience has equipped him with a practical understanding of the challenges faced by hardworking Americans.

As a proud member of the Army National Guard and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chris has demonstrated his allegiance to his country and a commitment to defending the freedoms and liberties enumerated by the Constitution of the United States. His military service has instilled in him a sense of duty and honor that he carries with him in all his endeavors.

Whether it's on the racetrack, on stage, in the business world, or in support and defense of the Constitution, Chris Williams is true American patriot. He is a vital member of the Constitution Commandos, and he tirelessly works to protect and preserve the essence of America's founding principles.

Patrick Williams

Profile picture for Patrick Williams
Patrick Williams, a distinguished cohost of The Constitution Commandos, is a true patriot who has demonstrated his devotion to the ideals of the Constitution through both his military service and his advocacy work. Having served in the prestigious 82nd Airborne of the United States Army, Patrick brings a unique perspective to discussions about the importance of constitutional rights.

Enlisting in the military was a natural choice for Patrick, driven by his deep love for his country and a desire to protect the freedoms that make it unique. As a member of the 82nd Airborne, he underwent grueling training and gained invaluable experience in military operations. Patrick's time in the Army not only instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and teamwork but also highlighted the vital role that the Constitution plays in guiding and safeguarding the actions of our armed forces.

After completing his military service, Patrick continued to carry the spirit of duty and service into his civilian life. As a cohost of The Constitution Commandos, he utilizes his firsthand knowledge and experiences to shed light on the constitutional implications of various issues facing our nation today. Through thought-provoking discussions, Patrick underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting our rights and the need for an informed citizenry to actively participate in the democratic process.

Patrick's military background, coupled with his passion for constitutional principles, allows him to provide unique insights into the balance between national security and individual liberties. His comprehensive understanding of military matters, enriches the discussions on The Constitution Commandos, empowering listeners to engage in informed debates about the intersection of constitutional rights.

Patrick Williams, the All American Commando, exemplifies the honor, commitment, and dedication of a true American patriot. Through his service in the esteemed 82nd Airborne and his role as a cohost on The Constitution Commandos, he embodies the importance of defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for generations to come.